You can view all patches available for installation, as well as patches already installed on devices. Atera is 100% synced to the most accurate Windows patch repository, so you can be sure the information is always current. It can be viewed on the Atera platform, as well as with PowerShell commands (the information displayed will be identical).
View available patches in Atera
1. From Devices (on the side panel), locate the specific device.
2. Click the Manage dropdown menu next to the appropriate device and select Patch Management.
The Patch Management screen appears.
3. Select No, from the Installed dropdown menu. A list of all available patches appears. Read more about finding and installing patches.
Note: For offline Windows and Mac OS devices, you can view cached patching information in the agent console for both available and installed patches, however, you won't be able to install patches until the device comes back online.
View installed patches in Atera
1. From Devices (on the side panel), locate the specific device.
2. Click the Manage dropdown menu next to the appropriate device and select Patch Management.
The Patch Management screen appears.
3. Select Yes, from the Installed dropdown menu. A list of all installed patches appears.
Note: We are frequently asked why Atera is not synced up to ‘Windows Update History’ (on the PC). The reason is that it’s not a 100% accurate repository as it frequently lists duplicate patches, as in the example below.
View available patches with PowerShell
Enter this PowerShell script into the command prompt:
Powershell.exe (then enter)
$Session = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$SearchResult = $searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and IsHidden=0")
$SearchResult.updates | Select-Object title
View installed patches with PowerShell
Enter this PowerShell script into the command prompt:
Powershell.exe (then enter)
$Session = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session"
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$SearchResult = $searcher.Search("IsInstalled=1 and IsHidden=0")
$SearchResult.updates | Select-Object title