The 'Advanced' filters on the Devices page enable you to search for devices that meet the criteria you specify. Customize your filter by combining conditions to match all criteria (AND) or any specified criteria (OR), tailoring the results to your exact needs.
Advanced filter variables
- Devices: Device name, Last Seen (last sync with agent), Last reboot.
- Hardware: Video card, Memory, Motherboard, Processor, Processor clock, Sound, Vendor.
- Network: IP address (LAN), IP address (WAN).
- Patching: Available patch, Installed patch, Available patch class, Patching status.
- Software: Anti-spyware, Antivirus, Firewall, Installed software, Office version, Office build.
- Operating system: OS edition, OS version, Build, Windows serial key.
- Storage: Free space, Hard disk model, Total space, BitLocker protection.
- Agent - custom fields
- SNMP - custom fields
- TCP - custom fields
- HTTP - custom fields
- Generic device - custom fields
Note: The custom fields are your own defined parameters for your agent, SNMP, TCP, HTTP, and Generic devices. Learn more
Use advanced filters
To use advanced filters:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), click the Filters icon ().
The filters panel appears.
3. Click Advanced filters.
The Advanced filters window appears.
4. Add your filter criteria. Then click Apply.
The Devices view will be updated.