Ninite holds a repository of patches for many types of software and apps.
From runtimes such as Java and Adobe to messaging and ICQ clients such as Skype. If it exists, there is a good chance that Ninite has the latest patch for it.
Ninite combined with Atera allows for the latest versions of patches to be applied easily, automatically, and in bulk.
Getting Ninite:
1. log in to your Ninite account
2. Select the programs you want to patch
3. Click Get your Ninite
This creates a customized .exe file with only the programs you chose. This is created in the same path that you downloaded the original .exe file.
In order to keep patches updated using Ninite, Atera offers two options:
1. Push the Ninite .exe to the agent manually by creating a script.
2. Use an IT Automation profile to run periodical updates.
To run the .exe file to agents follow the steps below:
1. From the left-hand panel click Admin, then click Scripts.
The Scripts page appears.
2. Click Upload Script.
The Upload Script window displays.
3. Browse to the Ninite .exe file.
4. Add Description
5. Add Arguments to run the .exe file
Example: to run the .exe in silent mode + create a log file in a specific location with update only, use the following argument:
/silent . /updateonly
6. Launch the script from the Device Manage Dropdown > Run Script.
Use an IT Automation profile to run periodical updates and create an automated profile.
With IT Automation Profiles you can create and schedule Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annually periodic maintenance tasks. Maintenance Tasks can be scheduled for Servers and Workstations.