To streamline the process of incorporating your existing business data into our system, we offer a bulk import feature that allows you to easily upload your sites, users, and assets. This ensures that transitioning to our platform is as smooth and efficient as possible.
To streamline the process of incorporating your existing business data into our system, we offer a bulk import feature that allows you to easily upload your customers, contacts, and assets. This ensures that transitioning to our platform is as smooth and efficient as possible.
- Available to Expert, Master, and Enterprise users with Admin permissions only.
- Available to Growth, Power, and Superpower users with Admin permissions only.
- CSV and RFC 4180 files can be uploaded to import data.
Import sites
Import customers
1. Go to Admin > Data management > Import data.
The Import data page appears.
2. From the Sites tab, click Download template.
2. From the Customers tab, click Download template.
- Import Sites template: *Site name, domain, business number, phone number, fax, address, city, country, state, zip code, notes, and links.
- Import Customers template: *Customer name, domain, business number, phone number, fax, address, city, country, state, zip code, notes, and links.
3. Open the template on your device, fill in your data, and save the completed file.
Note: Ensure column names are unchanged and all your data is entered in the correct column.
4. Click Upload file and select your saved file. Then click Import.
Import complete! You can view your uploaded sites, or click Back to import to import more data.
Import complete! You can view your uploaded customers, or click Back to import to import more data.
Import users
Import contacts
1. Go to Admin > Data management > Import data.
The Import Data page appears.
2. Go to the Users tab, and click Download template.
2. Go to the Contacts tab, and click Download template.
- Import Users template: Site name*, email*, first name*, last name*, job title, and phone number.
- Import Contacts template: Customer name*, email*, first name*, last name*, job title, and phone number.
3. Open the template on your device, fill in your data, and save the completed file.
- Ensure column names are unchanged and all your data is entered in the correct column.
- Ensure corresponding sites have been added to Atera before importing users.
- Ensure corresponding customers have been added to Atera before importing contacts.
4. Click Upload file and select your saved file. Then click Import.
Import complete! You can go to the Sites page to view your uploaded users, or click Back to import to import more data.
Import complete! You can go to the Customers page to view your uploaded contacts, or click Back to import to import more data.
Import assets
1. Go to Admin > Data management > Import data.
The Import Data page appears.
2. Go to the Assets tab, and select an Asset type from the dropdown menu.
Note: Asset types must exist in Atera before importing assets. You can add a new asset type by clicking Add asset type.
3. Click Download template to download the CSV template.
- Assets: Customer name*, asset name*, description, contact email, and folder name.
4. Open the template on your device, fill in your data, and save the completed file.
- Ensure column names are unchanged and all your data is entered in the correct column.
- Ensure the corresponding asset type has been added to Atera before importing assets.
5. Click Upload file and select your saved file. Then click Import.
Import complete! You can go to the Sites page to view your uploaded assets, or click Back to import to import more data.
Import complete! You can go to the Customers page to view your uploaded assets, or click Back to import to import more data.
Please be aware of the following while preparing your file for import, as any of these issues can cause the import to fail:
- The site must exist in Atera. If the site of the user/asset you are trying to import doesn’t exist in Atera, the file will not import.
- The customer must exist in Atera. If the customer of the contact/asset you are trying to import doesn’t exist in Atera, the file will not import.
- All mandatory fields must be accurately filled in. Any omission or error in these fields will prevent the file from being imported.
- Email addresses must be valid.