AnyDesk has provided updated certificates and a new custom client for both Windows and Mac agents. We have automatically installed the updated AnyDesk version on end user devices that have the Atera Agent installed.
However, we are unable to automatically deploy the updated custom client for technicians, so we recommend ensuring that Agents are up to date, and to deploy the custom client manually on technicians' devices by following the steps below.
There is also a possibility that some end users may not have received the update due to a range of factors, such as devices being offline. To ensure full coverage, we advise in verifying the version of AnyDesk on your devices. For devices that have not been updated, we recommend downloading and installing the latest version of the agent.
Note: Connecting to Linux devices will remain blocked until an updated Linux version is released to ensure your security.
Verify AnyDesk version
End users can view the version number locally on the device when opening the AnyDesk app.
To check if the updated version of AnyDesk has been deployed on your managed devices, run a software inventory report and make sure devices have the latest version (Windows 7.0.15 or MacOS 8.0.0).
Deploy the updated AnyDesk version
To deploy the updated custom client to a technician's device:
1. Download the updated version for your device with the link below:
- Download for Windows device: Windows .exe v7.0.15
- Download for Mac device: MacOS .dmg v8.0.0
2. Click the installer that appears at the bottom left of your screen, and follow the instructions to install the updated version of AnyDesk.
To deploy the agent to end users' devices:
Download the updated version for your end users' devices with the link below, or from the Devices page by following the steps on how to upgrade to the latest AnyDesk version
Will AnyDesk automatically be deployed on all agents?
Atera will automatically update the AnyDesk version on all agents that have AnyDesk installed, and on new Agents unless disabled in settings. Any new AnyDesk installation (new agents and existing agents without AnyDesk) will contain the new version.
Will AnyDesk be automatically enabled for all accounts after deployment?
If the user disabled it, it will remain disabled. If it is set as the default, it will remain the default. If it is not disabled or the default, AnyDesk will be available to use and will be deployed when clicking to connect.
How can I disable AnyDesk or prevent deployment to my managed devices?
You can disable the installation of AnyDesk on your devices and block any direct connections to them from within Atera by following these detailed instructions. This will remove any AnyDesk packages that exist on the agent and will prevent any installations on new agents.
What should I do for my Linux agents regarding AnyDesk?
As of now, connect to Linux devices via AnyDesk is blocked to ensure your security. We are waiting for the release of an updated Linux version of AnyDesk. Until then, we recommend monitoring communications from Atera for any updates on the availability of the new Linux client.
Should you have any queries or require assistance, our dedicated support team is here to assist you.