- In the DataShield client, navigate to Preferences > Schedule.
- Click Add schedule. The Add Schedule screen displays.
- Make sure to specify time and days convenient for you and to select the necessary plugins:
- In addition, you can choose and set necessary pre-/post- backup actions separately for each plugin. To set the required backup action you should enable pre-/post- backup functionality with a check-mark and choose a necessary script in the expanded field:
NOTE: To create a pre-post script backup navigate to > Preferences >Scripts on the left-hand side and create a script
All added information is saved and is displayed in the main table on the "Schedule" tab (in the "Preferences window).
NOTE: Pay attention to the fact that a backup in the schedule stays inactive and will not start at the specified time until it is selected with a check-mark in the main table of the schedule:
You can also start backing up without waiting for the specified time. You can just select the necessary schedule and click "Start Backup"
Note: Online Backup (Datashield) is a legacy product only available to older Atera accounts. For newer backup solutions, check this page.