This article will explain what you need to perform a System State Restore.
To make sure that the backup register and other important files are restored successfully, follow these steps:
1. Install the same Windows version as the lost system
2. Update the new Windows system to the same service-pack level as the lost system
3. If it was a domain controller with Active Directory, make sure that an empty Active Directory is created by running DCPROMO
4. Install the Online Backup client with exactly the same credentials
5. Reboot the machine in Directory Services Restore mode (if it was a domain controller with Active Directory)
6. Go to the Restore tab of the Online Backup client, select the date of backup and perform the restore
7. When the restore process is finished, confirm and reboot the machine
After the reboot, the System State will be restored.
NOTE: It is important to restore on the same hardware and software. Make sure that two systems are identical (the type of OS, build versions, system drive, etc.)
System state includes;
- System Registry
- COM + Database
- Certificate Services
- Active Directory
- SysVol
- IIS Metabase
Note: Online Backup (Datashield) is a legacy product only available to older Atera accounts. For newer backup solutions, check this page.