The Remote Monitoring contract type charges based on the number of monitored customer devices.
Note: Atera differentiates between servers and PCs, enabling you to charge a higher rate for servers, if applicable.
Create a Remote Monitoring contract
1. From Admin on the sidebar, go to Business administration > Contracts.
The Contracts page appears.
2. Click New contract.
3. Fill in the contract header details:
- Select the customer.
- Give your contract a name.
- Select the start and end dates.
Note: Atera will automatically calculate today's date + three years ahead. - Set the contract as Active if you'd like to enable the contract (optional).
- Set the contract as Default if you'd like this contract to be your default for this customer (optional).
- Set the contract as Taxable if you'd like a tax to automatically be added to the contract (optional). Select the tax from the dropdown menu (or create a new one).
4. Under Contract Type, choose Remote Monitoring.
5. Select the Count by:
- PC Agents
- Server Agents
- Mac Agents
- Other Devices
- Agents Only (Macs, PCs, and Servers)
- All
Note: Each contract is for one category only (e.g., PCs, servers, or routers). This means a separate contract must be created for each. For example, if you wish to charge $40/month per server, $9/month per PC, and $5/month per router, you must create 3 separate contracts (one for each).
6. Select the Billing Period.
7. Select the Rate Per Device.
Note: The rate per device changes in accordance with the number of devices monitored. If you haven't yet set up your rate type, click Add Rate.
8. Select the Service Level Agreement (SLA) Plan.
9 Enter any Notes as required.
10. Click Save.
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