You can delete the Atera agent via the Devices page, Agent Console, Group Policy Object (GPO), or script
Delete an Atera agent
- To remove the Atera Agent from Linux devices, you must first run an uninstall command in the terminal. Learn more
- Deleting the Atera agent while the endpoint is online will send an uninstall command to the endpoint.
- Deleting the Atera agent while the endpoint is offline will delete it only from the Atera dashboard — and not from the endpoint. However, the uninstall command will be sent to the endpoint once the agent is back online.
- You cannot delete an agent monitoring other devices — you'll have to reassign the monitored devices to another agent first.
- Removing Atera uninstall registry keys will result in uninstallation failure.
- In case you have trouble removing the Atera agent on your devices, please reach out to our support team for assistance.
Delete agent via the Devices page
To delete agents via the Devices page:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), select the agent(s) you want to delete.
2. Click the ellipses icon and select Delete.
A confirmation window appears.
Delete agent via the Agent console
To delete an agent via the Agent Console:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), select the agent you want to delete.
The Agent Console appears.
2. Click the Edit dropdown menu and select Delete. A confirmation window appears.
Delete agent via Group Policy
To delete agents via an Active Directory Group Policy Object:
- You can uninstall the Atera agent with a Group Policy Object (GPO) only if you installed it via Active Directory (AD).
- The existing GPO is needed to delete the agent.
1. On the Windows Taskbar, click Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management.
2. In the Group Policy Management window, expand the domain > Computer Configuration > Policies > Software Settings and click Software Installation to see the 'AteraAgent' install file.
3. Right-click the AteraAgent file and select All Tasks > Remove...
4. Check the Immediately uninstall the software from users and computers box and click OK.
The Atera agent will uninstall when the devices are restarted.
Reassign agent-monitored devices
To reassign agent-monitored devices:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), select the agent you want to reassign.
The Agent Console appears.
2. Click the Edit dropdown menu and select Monitored Devices.
The Agent Monitored Devices window appears.
3. Select the device you want to move to a different monitoring agent. The Device console appears.
4. Click the Edit dropdown menu and select Change Monitoring Agent. The Change Monitoring Agent window appears.
5. Select the new Monitoring Agent. Then click Apply.
Note: You cannot select an agent that is offline.
Nice! The selected monitoring agent has been assigned to this device.
Script to remove Atera
You can run the following script on your Windows devices to remove files related to Atera from a device. Please note that this script has to be run in Powershell with Admin rights, also, running the script on a device will not remove the agent from the dashboard.
$WhatToLookFor = 'Atera'
$ClassesRootAltKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\'
Get-ChildItem $ClassesRootAltKey -Rec -EA SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
$CurrentKey = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PsPath)
If ($CurrentKey -match $WhatToLookFor){
$CurrentKey|Remove-Item -Force
$UninstallKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\'
Get-ChildItem $UninstallKey -Rec -EA SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
$CurrentKey = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PsPath)
If ($CurrentKey -match $WhatToLookFor){
$CurrentKey|Remove-Item -Force
Stop-Service -Name "AteraAgent" -Force
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
$Processes = "TicketingTray.exe", "AteraAgent.exe", "AgentPackageMonitoring.exe", "AgentPackageInformation.exe", "AgentPackageRunCommand.exe", "AgentPackageRunCommandInteractive.exe", "AgentPackageEventViewer.exe", "AgentPackageSTRemote.exe", "AgentPackageInternalPoller.exe", "AgentPackageWindowsUpdate.exe", "AgentPackageFileExplorer.exe" , "AgentPackageHeartbeat.exe", "AgentPackageNetworkDiscovery.exe", "AgentPackageProgramManagement.exe", "AgentPackageRegistryExplorer.exe", "AgentPackageServicesCommands.exe", "AgentPackageSystemTools.exe", "AgentPackageTaskManagement.exe", "AgentPackageTaskScheduler.exe", "AgentPackageUpgradeAgent.exe", "AgentPackageWebrootManager.exe", "TicketNotifications.exe ";
$KillAllProcesses = foreach ($Process in $Processes){
Stop-Process -Name $process -Force
Remove-Service -Name "AteraAgent"
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "AlphaHelpdeskAgent" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\ATERA Networks\*" -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\Software\ATERA Networks\*" -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\ATERA Networks" -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\ATERA Networks" -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path ($Env:Tmp, "eo.webbrowser.cache." -join "\") -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path ($ENV:Tmp, "TicketingAgentPackage" -join "\")-Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path ($ENV:Tmp, "TrayIconCaching" -join "\") -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item -Path "C:\Windows\Temp\AteraUpgradeAgentPackage" -Recurse -Force
To remove the Atera Agent from a Mac device, please use the following script.
cd "/Library/Application Support"
sudo rm -rf com.atera*
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.atera.ateraagent.plist
sudo rm -rf /Applications/
To remove the Linux agent from a device, please run the following script.
# /bin/bash
sudo systemctl disable AteraAgent.service
sudo systemctl stop AteraAgent.service
sudo rm -f '/etc/systemd/system/AteraAgent.service'
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo rm -rf '/etc/atera-agent'
sudo rm -rf '/var/log/atera-agent'
sudo rm -rf '/var/spool/atera-agent'
sudo rm -rf '/usr/lib/atera-agent'
Q: Can you receive an alert when the agent is uninstalled?
A: No, if someone uninstalls the agent, either locally or from Atera, it is not possible to receive an alert.
Q: Is there a way for me to configure the automatic removal of Atera from my client's system if they remain inactive for a certain period of time?
A: No, the agent cannot be removed automatically from devices.
Q: Can agent deletion be reverted?
A: No, once the agent is deleted, an uninstall command is sent to the agent. The command cannot be reverted and a reinstallation of the agent will be needed.