Atera’s August release includes fixes and enhancements in a few different areas of the software.
On top of that, we also included changes to the auditor report in which you can now access the relevant patches straight from the report itself. (See screenshot 1.1 and 1.2)
In this release we heavily emphasized on improving the functionality of patch management by adding more synching intervals, changing the fetching mechanism to use the native WMI service and aligning the MS patch categories for better, more intuitive use. (1.3)
The full change log and added functionality include:
1. Available patches are now accessible from the auditor report, Patch status summary & Periodic Reports
[Interface change]
[Image 1.1]
Patch search report:
[Image 1.2]
2. Syncing with Agents patches repository now runs on an hourly basis (previously was done once a day)
[Backend modification]
3. Patches deployment through IT-Automation profile now works with the same categories as Microsoft
[Interface Change]
[Image 1.3]
4. Patches are now being fetched by using WMI.
[Backend change]
We have fixed the following bugs:
- IT Automation: Excluding Patches - List of excluded patches are empty.
- Patch management shows incorrect pending updates.
- Patch Search & Deploy report fails to install "Feature update to Windows 10, version 1709"
- Patch management (installed) shows that the patch or patches missing although the station updated successfully
- Patch management - Office 2010 patches not being applied
- Patch Search and Deploy report did not show anything
- Patch status report is not corresponding correctly with the actual patches
- Running a script "display missing patches" brings an incorrect list.
- Optional patches number in the Audit report is not the same at the optional patches number in the PC
- Adobe patch is displayed under class updates
- Script under IT Automation profile displays an error( part of agents)
- Tickets assigned to Technician via Automation Rules trigger the email notifications but don't show up in his queue
- IT Automation Profile did not run when it was scheduled to.
- Patch management screen closed after few seconds
- Incorrect patch score in customer periodic report
- Patch Search and Deploy report KB search does not display data for MAC Agent Types