In this article, we will use a PowerShell (.ps1) script to create a diagram that maps out the public address of the agents. This will help you keep track of the various networks a customer's agents are part of for easier management.
Notes: You would need to install the PSAtera and PSWriteHTML modules in Powershell before using this script.
1. Copy the below script.
Import-Module PSAtera Import-Module PSWriteHTML function Map-Agents($CustomerID) { # Get all Atera Agents for the customer $Agents = Get-AteraAgents -CustomerID $CustomerID New-Html -TitleText "Atera Agent Map" -Online -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\Atera-Agents.html { New-HTMLTabStyle -SlimTabs New-HTMLTab -Name "Atera Agents" { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Atera Networks" { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLDiagram -Height 'calc(85vh)' { New-DiagramOptionsPhysics -RepulsionNodeDistance 150 -Solver repulsion # Generate Level 1: Public network $Agents | Select-Object ReportedFromIP -Unique | ForEach-Object { New-DiagramNode -Label $_.ReportedFromIP -Level 1 -ColorBackground Red } $PrivateNetworks = @() foreach($Agent in $Agents) { # Ignore any self-assigned IP addresses $Agent.IPAddresses | Where-Object { !($_.StartsWith("169.254.")) } | ForEach-Object { $Address = [IPAddress]$_ $AddressBytes = $Address.GetAddressBytes() $Network = "" # Stupidly get the Network ID based on the Class of IP address if ($AddressBytes[0] -eq 10) { # Class A $Network = "" } elseif ($AddressBytes[0] -eq 172 -and $AddressBytes[1] -ge 16 -and $AddressBytes[1] -le 31) { # Class B $Network = "172.16.$($AddressBytes[2]).0/16" } elseif ($AddressBytes[0] -eq 192 -and $AddressBytes[1] -eq 168) { $Network = "192.168.$($AddressBytes[2]).0/24" } # Create the Diagram node for the network ID under the public IP address if ($PrivateNetworks -notcontains "$Network,$($Agent.ReportedFromIP)") { $PrivateNetworks += "$Network,$($Agent.ReportedFromIP)" New-DiagramNode -Label $Network -Id "$Network,$($Agent.ReportedFromIP)" -To $Agent.ReportedFromIP -Level 2 -ArrowsToEnabled -ColorBackground Green } # Create the Diagram node for the agent under it's corrent network ID New-DiagramNode -Label "$($Agent.MachineName)`t$($Address.IPAddressToString)" -Level 3 -To "$Network,$($Agent.ReportedFromIP)" -ArrowsToEnabled } } } } } } } -ShowHTML }
2. Save the script as Map-Agents.ps1 and then execute the following by replacing the Customer ID with the one you wish to use:
3. The following diagram will generate and will open in your default browser.
- Red nodes: Public addresses
- Green nodes: Network IDs
- Blue nodes: The agents
You can add the Script in Atera and execute it through an IT Automaton profile.
NOTE: The script was not screened for functionality and we do not offer troubleshooting support for it. Please review and test it in your lab environment first.
Thank you, Dave Long, for creating this script and for your contribution to the Atera community!