While it is recommended to install all the available Windows 10 updates, from time to time, some updates might cause problems or crash your machine.
Important note: Some updates are not uninstallable and will not display in the list. Learn more
Uninstall Windows 10 updates from Windows Settings (or Control Panel)
1. Open the Start Menu on your machine and go to Settings
2. From the Settings window, select Update & Security
3. On the Windows Update page, click on View update history.
4. In the View update history window, click on Uninstall updates
This will open the Control Panel and show you the list of installed updates. The list will include both Windows 10 updates as well as updates for other software installed on your device.
5. Locate the update that you want to uninstall, then select it and click on Uninstall (or right-click on the update and then click on Uninstall)
6. A box will pop up to confirm that you want to uninstall the Update.
Access the list via Control Panel
1. Open the Control Panel and under Programs, click on Uninstall a program
2. On the next page, click on View installed updates from the left side panel
3. Locate the update that you want to uninstall, then select it and click on Uninstall (or right-click on the update and then click on Uninstall)
4. Confirm the update uninstall.
Uninstall Windows 10 updates from Command Prompt or PowerShell
You can also uninstall Windows 10 updates from Command Prompt or PowerShell.
1. Launch Command Prompt or PowerShell as administrator then type the following command:
wmic qfe list brief /format:table
This command will display a list of all installed updates on your machine.
2. Identify the update that you wish to uninstall
The table seen in the Command prompt has the following columns: Description, FixComments, HotFixID, InstallDate, InstalledBy, InstalledOn, Name, ServicePackInEffect, and Status.
When it comes to uninstalling patches, the field that interests us is the HotFixID, that ID will be used to select which update to uninstall.
3. Then type the following command to uninstall it:
wusa /uninstall /kb:[id]
Where [id] is the identification number of that update or HotFixID.
Ex: wusa /uninstall /kb:4589212
4. A box will pop up to confirm that you want to uninstall the Update.
Important note: If you receive the following error "wusa.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.", it means that wusa is not installed on your device, or there are issues with the application itself. Installing/Reinstalling of wusa will be needed.