This article provides detailed information about the Customer Periodic report. To learn more about the Customer Periodic Report, please check out our main article.
Overall System Health
Displays the average score for all agents, based on the logic explained below.
- What is the measurement scale?
- The lowest score is 0.
- The highest score is 100.
How is the 'Overall System Health' score calculated?
The score is calculated by subtracting from the default score, based on the event types listed below:
Event Type | Result |
Agent should monitor device and Agent is offline | Score is set to 0 |
Agent has Critical type Performance Alert | -15% |
Agent has Warning type Performance Alert | -10% |
Agent has a Hardware or Disk Alert | -10% |
Agent has a Hardware or Disk Alert on a System Drive | -20% |
Agent has an Exchange Alert | -20% |
Agent has a General (Service Down) Alert | -20% |
Agent has a General (Windows Event) Alert | -5% |
Agent has a Fatal Windows Event Alert | -10% |
Example: Customer A has 3 agents.
Agent Agent | Score |
Agent 1 is offline but should monitor another device | 0% |
Agent 2 has a Critical Severity Performance Alert + and an Exchange Alert | 65% |
Agent 3 has a Fatal Windows Event Alert + a Disk Alert on a System Drive | 70% |
Overall System Health | 45% |
System Checklist
Displays the percentage of installed updates VS all available updates.
Example: Customer A has 2 agents.
Agent 1 has 3 updates | 1 Installed |
Agent 2 has 3 updates | 2 installed |
Total updates | 6 |
Installed Update | 3 |
Patch Score | 50% |
Server Score
Displays the average score for all servers.
Logic is identical to Overall System Health.
Workstation Score
Displays the average score for all PCs.
Logic is identical to Overall System Health.
Disk Score
Each disk receives a score based on its free space percentage:
If it has ≤ 10% free space, the score is 50.
If it has ≤ 25% free space, the score is 75.
Otherwise, the score is 100.
The Disk Score in the report will be the average score of all disks for each agent of that customer.
Server Availability
Displays the average score for all agent availability based on the length of time the server had no alerts in a selected time period. Example: Customer A has 2 agents (Servers).
- Server 1 had 2 Alerts in the past week (total duration of Alerts until resolved: 11 hours)
- Server 2 and 3 had 3 Alerts in the past week (total duration of Alerts until resolved: 15 hours)
- Server 1 availability in the past week = 93.45%
- Server 2 availability in the past week= 91.07%
- Server Availability in the past week = 92.26%