The Atera Features Board is the place to go to submit new ideas, vote for existing ones, view features currently being worked on, as well as those already implemented. Atera partners with UserVoice for full automation of the feature-request management process. Your input on the board helps us to prioritize and develop the most-needed features. The board is intended exclusively for Atera users and can be accessed from within the platform.
Your idea submissions and votes appear on the board instantly and in real time. A high number of votes on a feature lets us know it’s in high demand and will be considered for implementation. You’ll receive updates on features you’ve submitted or voted for upon status changes to ‘Under Review’, ‘Planned’, or ‘Released’ so you’ll always be able to see the progress of your requests!
View the Atera Features Board
Atera users can view and contribute ideas to the board...and please do! You are our partners in creating Atera.
To access:
1. Log in to your Atera platform.
2. Click on "?" in the lower right corner of the screen, to open the support widget.
3. On the support widget, click on the "Share ideas and feedback" button.
The Atera Features Board appears.
You can check out the existing HOT, TOP, or NEW IDEAS or select a STATUS to see progress on idea implementation. Status categories include:
- Under Review, which refers to feature ideas that are being reviewed.
- Planned displays feature ideas that are currently being developed.
- Released displays feature ideas that have already been implemented.
Archived displays ideas that after consideration, a decision was reached not to implement them.
Submit a feature idea
To submit an idea:
1. Enter your idea in the 'Tell us about it' field.
Note: Previously submitted ideas that are related to yours are automatically displayed when you start typing your idea. You can look through and choose to vote for one of these ideas, in place of submitting a new idea.
3. Add optional category and description details to your idea, then click POST IDEA
Your idea is submitted and appears automatically for all to see. You’ll receive automatic email updates on features you’ve submitted (or voted for) if the feature's status changes to ‘Under Review’, ‘Planned’, or ‘Released’.
Note: You can also edit or delete your submitted idea by clicking the Edit or Delete options.
Vote for existing ideas
You can vote for previously submitted ideas. The more votes a feature gets, the more likely it will be added to the platform. So make your voice heard!
To vote for an idea:
1. Click VOTE next to any feature you wish to vote for.
All done. Your vote is added! You’ll receive automatic email updates on features you’ve voted for if the feature's status changes to ‘Under Review’, ‘Planned’, or ‘Released’.
Add comments on existing ideas
In addition to voting for an idea, you can also add comments to indicate feature sub-ideas or nuances that you'd like implemented.
To add comments:
1. Find the feature you wish to comment on, and click comments
2. Type your comment and click POST COMMENT
Your comment is posted.
Understand the feature-selection process
Atera develops new features based, in large part, on the Features Board. Features with many upvotes let us know a feature is in high demand and will be considered for implementation.
There are additional factors we take into consideration when choosing to develop new features, including:
- The feature’s relevance and value to you and the Atera community.
- The time and effort it takes us to develop the feature.
- The level of developer expertise required to develop the feature.
Please know that we wish we could develop ALL requested features, but unfortunately, we can’t – as we sometimes get hundreds of requests per day! Not even our super-duper dev team can keep up with that.
We appreciate and rely on your amazing ideas and suggestions! So please keep them coming!
Frequently asked questions
Q. Will feature requests from the old board be migrated to the new UserVoice board?
A. Yes, all feature cards from the last 1.5 years have migrated over to the new board. Every feature card that appeared in the old Features Board, along with the associated upvotes, now appears on the new board.
Q. Why aren't my previous feature requests appearing in UserVoice?
Q. Why didn't you migrate all the feature requests?
Q. What can I do if I don't see my older feature requests on the board?
A. With the new UserVoice integration, every new feature you submit will appear in real time on the Features Board. If you've submitted a feature prior to the UserVoice integration and don't see it on the board, simply resubmit it.