The Service Portal is your users' unique and personalized support site where they can open tickets, track the status of tickets, access knowledge base articles, and view all tickets ('main contacts' only).
You can customize the experience for your users by configuring your own Service Portal URL, automatically sending out a personalized welcome email, as well as selecting the kinds of tickets they can view.
Domain and SSL
Atera automatically generates a Service Portal URL for your company. You can provide it to your users as is, or create your own subdomain for brand consistency.
To access your Service Portal URL:
From Admin (on the side panel), click Service Portal
The Service Portal screen appears.
- You can define your own sub-domain by creating a CNAME record in your DNS settings and redirecting it to '' (the URL can look like this
- In order to have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enabled automatically on the Service Portal URL, the following URL pattern should be used:
When done, enter the new Portal Domain Name on the Service Portal page, and click Update
For your user to access the Service Portal, they must receive a username and password from you. A unique username/password can be found on each user's page (they are automatically generated upon contact creation).
Additionally, you can automatically generate an email welcoming new users and providing them with the Service Portal URL, as well as their username and password. Learn more about portal credentials in this article.
Note: A user will be added automatically to the system and assigned to their company based on the domain name, the first time that contact opens a ticket (provided the company exists in the system).
In the ticketing section, you can prevent your users from viewing their tickets. Additionally, you can customize this feature by enabling or disabling it on a per-user basis.
To restrict your users from accessing the ticketing section, click on the toggle button. This action will remove the ticketing section from the user portal.
To enable the ticketing section for specific users, follow these steps: First, enable Ticketing. Next, choose the users you want to grant access to from the provided drop-down menu.
Knowledge Base
In the Knowledge Base section, you have the option to eliminate the Knowledge Base access for all or specific users within the Service Portal.
To disable the Knowledge base for all users, simply click on the toggle.
To grant access to the Knowledge Base for specific users, follow these steps: First, enable the Knowledge Base section within the user portal. Next, choose the users you want to provide access to from the provided dropdown menu.
AI assistant
The AI Assistant feature empowers your users to interact with an AI designed to assist them with daily issues and requests. This includes executing specific actions on their devices, finding solutions for common problems, and even installing software applications on their devices.
You can disable or enable this feature by clicking on the toggle next to AI assistant.
AI assistant ticket creation
This option enables the AI Assistant to automatically create a ticket within your Atera instance whenever a user initiates a chat session with the AI Assistant.
Within the ticket, you can access the conversation history between your users and the AI Assistant. This includes details of any actions taken during the chat session.
Disable manual end-user ticket creation
This feature provides the option to hide the new ticket button within the user portal. users are then prompted to initiate a chat session with the AI Assistant, allowing the AI to address low-level issues without the immediate involvement of a support technician.
Should users require assistance from a support technician, they can seamlessly open a ticket directly from the chat session initiated with the AI Assistant.
Self-service actions
The Self-Service feature empowers your users to initiate specific actions remotely, including the installation of approved software applications authorized by Admin technicians.
You can disable the self-service option within the Service Portal by simply clicking the toggle button.
Or you can enable the option for certain users, to do so, enable the toggle, and select which users have access to the feature from the dropdown.
Self-Service options
Enabling the Self-Service actions provides your users with the capability to perform certain operations remotely and install approved software applications on their devices.
The following operations are available for your users.
- Restart computer - Initiates a system restart, which will close all running programs, log out the current user, and then power off and on the computer to refresh the system.
- Lock computer - Securely locks your computer, preventing unauthorized access when you step away. By initiating the lock operation, you can ensure the privacy and security of your data and applications, allowing you to resume your work right where you left off when you return.
- Shutdown computer - Performs a computer shutdown, safely closing all applications and services before powering off the machine completely. It ensures a controlled and secure shutdown of the system.
- Reset password - Reset your local user account password. If you've forgotten your password, set a temporary password sent via SMS. Use the temporary password to log in and choose a new password for your account.
- Logout - Log out of the current user account, end the active session, and return to the login screen. This action protects your personal information and allows another user to log in to the system.
- Software installation - This feature empowers your users to independently install software applications on their devices. For additional details, please refer to the dedicated section titled "Self-Service Software Installation."
Note: To enable this feature on your users' devices, it is mandatory to assign the devices to your users. Refer to this article for guidance on how to assign agents to users: "Assign an agent to a user."
Self-Service Software Installation
In the Software section of the Service Portal Configuration, you can choose which software applications your users can install on their Windows or Mac devices. Please note that this feature is not currently available for Linux agents.
Note: The software application installation leverages Chocolatey and Homebrew repositories. Clients with access to the private repository can utilize the listed software applications for self-service actions.
Your users can install software applications either by asking the AI Assistant.
Or by selecting the software application within the Self-Service actions.
Operations security
Before executing any of the mentioned actions, users need to set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) by entering the phone number they wish to use for verification.
After clicking "Save & Send Code," users will be prompted to enter the code received via SMS in the subsequent window.
Upon successful verification, users will encounter the following message displayed within the Service Portal, and the selected action will be executed.
Reset 2FA for self-service actions
When users set their phone numbers for the verification of operations, the provided phone number will be automatically updated within their contract details in Atera.
To reset the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), simply remove the current phone number displayed in the settings. Upon completion, your users will be prompted again to add their phone numbers for the verification process.
Specify tickets for viewing on the Service Portal
You can specify which tickets (by 'Ticket Status') your users can view on the Service Portal.
To specify:
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), click Settings. The Settings page appears.
2. On the Settings page, click the Tickets tab.
3. Under the Service Portal heading, check the boxes next to the tickets you'd like your users to view.
4. Click Save. Your users can now view the tickets you've specified.
- Selecting "The ticket cannot be reopened" from Admin > Settings > Tickets will block users from reopening tickets in the Service Portal
Edit ticket field visibility in the Service Portal
You can control which ticket fields your users can edit or view in the Service Portal. This can be done for both default ticket fields and custom ticket fields.
Important Note: If your users are already logged in to the Service Portal when you change the ticket visibility settings, they may need to log in again for the changes to take effect.
To edit default ticket field visibility in the Service Portal:
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), click Custom Fields.
The Custom Fields page appears. The Ticket tab is selected by default.
2. Click the edit icon () next to the default field whose visibility you want to change in the Service Portal. The Field window appears.
3. Choose whether you want to give users edit permissions, read-only permissions, or hide the ticket field entirely from the Service Portal. Then click Apply.
Nice! The changes have been applied and will be reflected in the Service Portal.
To edit custom ticket field visibility in the Service Portal
1. Follow the steps above to navigate to the Custom Fields page.
2. Click the edit icon () next to the custom field whose visibility you want to change in the Service Portal.
The Field window appears.
3. Choose whether to allow users to edit the custom field or hide the field entirely from the Service Portal. Then click Apply.
Note: There is no read-only option for custom field visibility in the Service Portal.
Great! The changes have been applied and will be reflected in the Service Portal.
Select Service Portal language
Users can select their preferred language after logging into the Service Portal. Once they receive the Service Portal URL + username + password and they log in successfully to the User facing portal, they can click App Settings (on the sidebar) and select the chevron icon next to the current language to choose their preferred language.
Currently, Atera supports English, French, Deutsch, Spanish, and Italian.
Note: If there is a need for the Service Portal in a language not currently supported, please contact support. We will guide you through a process to help us expand our language offerings, with your requested language potentially being included in our next release.