Create tickets, add time entries, sign off on work done, and a whole lot more with Atera's mobile app
Note: For your convenience, we've cropped many of the images below to make things a little cozier while still displaying the proper functionality of the mobile app.
Create a ticket
Create tickets on the go! You can edit ticket properties, such as the ticket title, associated sites, users, and contracts. You can also add messages or files to the ticket at a later date.
Create tickets on the go! You can edit ticket properties, such as the ticket title, associated customers, contacts, and contracts. You can also add messages or files to the ticket at a later date.
To create a ticket:
1. From Tickets, tap the plus icon ().
The New ticket page appears.
2. Enter the ticket title.
3. Select the site, user, and contract (optional).
3. Select the customer, contact, and contract (optional).
4. Select the ticket properties:
- Assignee: Select the technician or leave unassigned.
- Priority: Select Low, Medium, High, or Critical.
- Impact: Select No Impact, Minor, Major, Site Down, Server Issue, or Crisis.
- Type: Select Incident, Problem, Request, or Change.
5. Add a message (optional).
Note: You can also attach files from your camera or file system to a message.
6. Tap Create (on the top right).
Nice! The ticket is created and appears on the Ticket page.
Add an attachment
Snap photos on the go or upload photos and documents as attachments.
Note: You can attach one photo, image, or document per message.
To add an attachment:
1. From Tickets, tap the ticket to open it.
2. Tap the message field. Then tap the paperclip icon ().
A window displaying file upload options appears.
3. Choose the location from which you want to upload the file:
- Camera: Select to capture a photo. Tap OK to upload the photo.
- Photo Library: Select to select an image from your photo library. Tap Done to upload the image.
- Document: Select a document from your file system. Tab Done to upload the document.
- For Android devices, you can upload the following file types: '.txt', '.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.one', '.ppt', '.pptx', '.zip', '.exe', '.3gp', and '.mp4'.
- For iOS devices, you can upload the following file types: '.kUTTypePDF', '.kUTTypeText', '.kUTTypeRTF', '.kUTTypeZipArchive', '.kUTTypeWindowsExecutable', '.org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.document', '', '.org.openxmlformats.spreadsheetml.sheet', '.org.openxmlformats.presentationml.presentation', '', '', and ''.
Add a time entry
Whether you're in the office, on-site, or on the moon, you can always ensure time spent working is logged.
To add a time entry:
1. From Tickets, tap the ticket to open it.
2. Tap the ellipsis icon ().
3. Tap Add time entry.
The Add Time Entry page appears.
4. Enter the following information:
- Technician: Select the technician or leave unassigned.
- Rate: Select the rate.
- Start: Select the start date and time.
- End: Select the end date and time.
- Billable: Check the box if you want to bill the customer for this time entry.
- Description: Give the time entry a clear, concise description (optional).
5. Click Add.
Done! The time entry is added.
Edit a ticket
You can change the ticket title, assigned customer, contact, contract, and custom fields. Under Properties, you can edit:
- Ticket Status: Select Open, Pending, Resolved, or Closed.
- Ticket Priority: Select Low, Medium, High, or Critical.
- Ticket Impact: Select No Impact, Minor, Major, Site Down, Server Issue, or Crisis.
- Ticket Type: Select Incident, Problem, Request, or Change.
- Ticket Assignee: Select the technician or leave unassigned.
- Custom field: Select from custom fields created in the web app. Learn more
To edit the ticket:
1. From Tickets, open the ticket.
2. Tap the ellipses icon (top right).
3. Click Edit ticket. The Edit ticket page appears.
4. Edit the ticket as needed. Then click Done to save your changes.
Edit status for multiple tickets
1. From Tickets, tap Select.
2. Select the tickets.
3. Tap Set status.
4. Select the status.
Filter tickets
You can filter tickets by status, assignee, and/or priority.
To filter tickets:
1. From Tickets, tap the filter icon ().
The Filter page appears.
2. Filter by Status, Assignee, and/or Priority.
Note: To select multiple filter types, tap the back arrow icon ().
3. Tap Show.
The Tickets page updates according to the filters set.
- The last used filters are reapplied when viewing the Tickets page.
- The filters can be reset to the app's default values by tapping Reset.
Sign off on a ticket
Have your customers sign off on the spectacular work done when you're on-site.
To sign off on a ticket:
1. From Tickets, open the ticket.
2. Tap the ellipsis icon ().
3. Select Customer Signature. The Customer Signature page appears.
4. Ask the customer to add their signature and tap Save.
The signature appears within the ticket and can be viewed by tapping the Signature.png file.
Attach a Quick Reply template
Respond to tickets in no time at all with Quick Reply templates.
Note: Create Quick Reply templates via the web app. Learn more
To reply to tickets with a Quick Reply template:
1. From Tickets, open the ticket.
2. Tap the lightning icon (). The Quick Reply templates page appears.
3. Select the Quick Reply template.
4. Tap the send icon ().
Resolve, close, or delete a ticket
Resolving/closing a ticket will not stop the ticket timer. To stop it, click Stop on the ticket timer banner after resolving the ticket. Any time spent by a technician on a resolved or closed ticket will still be logged if the ticket timer automatically starts, or if you didn't tap Stop on the ticket timer after resolving/closing the ticket.
Time logged after resolving/closing a ticket will be counted when the ticket is included in an invoice batch, assuming you haven't already generated the invoice batch before going back to access the resolved/closed ticket.
After generating an invoice batch, any time spent on an included resolved/closed ticket will be logged, but will not be included in the batch. However, should you delete the batch and reopen the ticket, you'll be able to bill your customers appropriately by including the time spent working on the ticket while it was resolved (or closed). Learn more about ticket timer options
To resolve a ticket:
1. From Tickets, open the ticket.
2. Tap Details.
The Ticket Details page appears.
3. Under Properties, tap Status. The Ticket Status page opens.
4. Tap Resolved.
Case closed! The ticket is resolved
To close or delete a ticket:
Close: From Tickets, swipe right on a ticket. Then tap Close.
Delete: From Tickets, swipe left on a ticket. Then tap Delete.