Linking an integrated repository with Atera offers enhanced security by allowing you to vet and approve software, customize software for your specific needs, and manage updates, ensuring consistent compatibility and stability across all devices. Atera makes it easy to connect to NuGet and upload software, making it instantly available for deployment. Additionally, you can create software packages within Atera that are then deployable to your end-user devices. This streamlined process allows for custom software installation on single or multiple devices and easy inclusion in software bundles, so you can mass-deploy custom software that is not part of any public repository.
Note: This feature is available for Enterprise subscribers.
Note: This feature is available for Superpower subscribers.
How it works
- Link your private repository to Atera.
- Upload custom software to your private repository.
Note: We recommend uploading all software with Atera, as other methods may not correctly package the software, causing issues with its operation. - Install software on your end-user devices.
- Custom software (pulled from your private repository) can be installed on Windows devices only.
- Atera uses the Chocolatey infrastructure to pull packages directly from the integrated repository.
Chocolatey and your repositories
Harness the power and efficiency of Chocolatey while maintaining the control, security, and customization offered by using a dedicated, integrated repository.
- Public repository: This refers to the standard Chocolatey community repository, accessible to everyone. It contains thousands of software packages that are maintained by the community.
Private repository: Distinct from the public Chocolatey repository, this repository can be specific to an organization or a user and can contain customized or proprietary software not available in the public repository.
- When deploying software stored in your private repository via Atera, you're not pulling from the vast sea of packages in the public Chocolatey repository. Instead, you're sourcing directly from your integrated, private repository. This guarantees that only the software you've added, vetted, and approved is installed on your devices.
Note: We recommend uploading software to your private repository via Atera. This not only simplifies the process but ensures software compatibility with the Chocolatey packaging standards.
- When deploying software stored in your private repository via Atera, you're not pulling from the vast sea of packages in the public Chocolatey repository. Instead, you're sourcing directly from your integrated, private repository. This guarantees that only the software you've added, vetted, and approved is installed on your devices.
Manage repository
You can seamlessly integrate your preferred NuGet v2 private repository (alongside accessing the public Chocolatey repository). Whether you're using platforms like Azure, JFrog, or MyGet, Atera's got you covered for seamless software management and deployment.
Note: You'll only need to set up 1 repository to connect to NuGet. Below, we demonstrate how this is done via Azure, JFrog, and MyGet.
Azure Artifacts
Azure Artifacts is free for every organization and has up to 2 GB of storage. Once this storage limit is reached, you won't be able to publish new artifacts. To continue, you will need to either delete some of your existing artifacts or set up billing to increase your storage limit. For issues or questions related to Azure Artifacts' free 2GB storage and billing options, please get in touch with Microsoft.
To create a project in Azure DevOps:
1. Sign in to your organization ({Your Organization}).
2. Click + New project.
3. Enter the project name and description. Then set its visibility.
4. Configure Advanced settings (optional).
5. Click + Create project.
With your new project successfully set up in Azure DevOps, the next step to make use of Azure Artifacts by creating a feed. A feed is a container for packages, providing a centralized place for you and your team to publish and consume packages.
To create and connect to your Azure Artifacts feed using NuGet:
1. Click Artifacts (on the left-hand panel). Then click + Create Feed.
The Create new feed slideout appears.
2. Enter a name for the feed and select the visibility and scope. Then click Create.
3. Click Connect to Feed.
5. Copy the value (source URL).
Note: Paste this in the Source URL field in the Manage repository slideout within Atera.
6. Click the User settings icon (top right). Then click Personal access tokens.
The Create a new personal access token slideout appears.
7. Enter the access token name, your organization, and the expiration date.
Note: When the token expires, you'll need to generate a new one and update the configuration (Password field) in Atera. As such, we recommend setting the expiration date a year in the future (the maximum), to minimize any interruptions. To do this, click the Expiration (UTC) dropdown menu and select Custom defined. Then click the calendar field and select the date.
8. Set up the scope of access associated with the token.
Note: In our example, we've simplified this by allowing full access.
8. Copy the access token.
Note: Paste this in the Password field in the Manage repository slideout within Atera.
JFrog Artifactory
Get started with JFrog Artifactory here
To set up a JFrog Artifactory repository and connect using NuGet:
1. Sign in to your JFrog Artifactory platform (https://{Your Organization}
Note: If you've just created your account, the Welcome to JFrog window will appear. Exit this window.
2. Click Get started (on the sidebar). Then click Go, alongside Create your first repository.
The Create Repositories window appears.
3. Click Nuget.
Note: This is the package type. JFrog will automatically create the default repository.
4. Enter the repository prefix. Then click Create.
You've successfully created a NuGet repository.
5. Click Continue.
The Set Up A NuGet Client slideout appears.
6. Click the repository dropdown and select nuget-local.
7. Enter your JFrog account password. Then click Generate Token & Create Instructions.
8. Under NuGet CLI configuration (API v2), highlight and copy, one by one, the:
Source: Paste this in the Source URL field in the Manage repository slideout within Atera.
Note: Ensure the source URL includes ".json" at the end. - Password: Paste this in the Password field in the Manage repository slideout within Atera.
To set up a MyGet repository and connect using NuGet:
1. Sign in to your MyGet platform (or sign up here).
The Create your MyGet feed page appears.
3. Enter your feed URL and feed description.
4. Select from public, community, or a private feed type.
The feed is created and the Packages page appears.
Note: We'll skip creating packages for now as we continue to set up our MyGet connection with Atera.
7. Copy the pre-authentication V3 URL (no basic authentication). Paste this in the Source URL field in the Manage repository slideout within Atera.
Note: Ensure the source URL includes ".json" at the end.
8. Scroll down and copy the API key. Paste this in the Password field in the Manage repository slideout within Atera.
Repository connected!
For more information, see Walkthrough - Getting Started Creating Your Own NuGet Feed
Connect repository
To connect your repository to Atera:
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), click Software management.
The Software management page appears.
2. Click Manage repository.
The Manage repository slideout appears.
3. Enter the following:
- Source name: Enter the source name.
Source URL: Enter the source URL.
Note: The source URL must end with "index.json" - Username: Enter the username (email address).
- Password: Enter the password/token.
4. Click Save.
You've successfully linked your repository with Atera!
Upload software
Uploading software to your repository via Atera is key to ensuring a seamless integration experience. We recommend uploading software with an installation URL as software packages will be pulled directly from the source to your repository. This method ensures the deployment of the latest software versions — and comes without any size constraints.
- You can only upload software if you have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.
- File uploads are limited to 1.5 GB per file. For files over 1.5 GB, please upload directly to your NuGet repository.
- You can't upload software that has the same name and version number as an existing one.
- To upload packages directly to your private repository before syncing it with Atera, please ensure it follows the packaging guidelines described in this Chocolatey article
To upload software:
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), click Software management.
The Software management page appears.
2. From the Software repository tab, click Upload software.
The Upload software window appears.
3. Upload a file or enter the installation URL.
4. Enter the software name, version, and author.
Note: Click More information to enter a software description and/or attach a logo (via URL or file upload).
5. Click Upload.
The software is uploaded and displayed as the first item in the Software repository tab.
Note: When you revisit the tab, all software will be in alphabetical order.
Delete software
If a software bundle contains any software that has been deleted from your repository, that software will also be removed from any bundle that includes it.
Note: Actions performed directly in the NuGet repository may require manual updates to corresponding software bundles in Atera. This is because matching is based on name and version — any software changes made directly in the private repository must be manually synchronized with Atera's associated software entries.
To delete software from your repository:
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), click Software management.
The Software management page appears.
2. From the Software repository tab, find the software and click Delete.
A confirmation window appears.
3. Click Delete.
The software is deleted and removed from your software repository and any software bundles containing it.
Detach repository
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), click Software management.
The Software management page appears.
2. Click Manage repository.
The Manage repository slideout appears.
3. At the bottom, click Detach repository.
A confirmation window appears.
To change the repository (update the source URL), click Update source URL.
- Updating the source URL will keep all matching software in your bundles.
To disconnect the repository from Atera (delete the source URL), click Detach and delete.
- Detaching the repository will remove all software from your bundles.
Install software
You can install software from your private repository (alongside public repositories) on a single device, in bulk, or via IT automation profiles. For more information, see Software installation
Why is the software from my private repository not displayed?
There are two main causes for this:
- Authentication error: If the authentication fails (e.g., the token has expired), then the synchronization will be disabled. This means you won't be able to see the software in your private repository or deploy it to your devices.
- Detached repository: When you detach the repository, all software items will be deleted from all their associated bundles.