Create ticket automation rule
1. Go to Admin > Support and ticketing > Ticket automation rules.
The Ticket Automation Rules page appears.
2. Click Add New Rule.
The Add Rule window appears. Now, follow the directions below for which commonly-used automation rule you'd like to set up.
Notify technician about missing custom field data
1. To notify an assigned technician about missing custom field data on a ticket, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Missing custom field
- Description: Notify technician of a missing custom field in new ticket
- Trigger: New ticket created
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Condition to check if a custom field is empty. Then click, Add.
- Ticket Property: Your specific custom field name
- Operator: Is Empty
Note: Optionally repeat this step to add multiple custom fields. If you want the the rule to trigger only when multiple custom fields are empty, select Must match for the fields that apply. Otherwise, leave Must match empty to trigger the rule when at least one field is empty.
3. Create the Action to send the email notifying the technician:
- Action type: Send an email to technician
- Email template: Select your associated template, or learn how to create an email template
4. Click Add.
Notify technician of a ticket created outside business hours
1. To notify a technician about a ticket created outside of business hours, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Ticket outside business hours
- Description: Notify technician of a ticket created outside of business hours
- Trigger: New ticket created
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Condition to check if the time of the ticket creation is outside of designated business hours. Then click, Add.
- Ticket Property: Event trigger time
- Operator: Is on calendar
- Expected value: Select your business hours.
Note: The Assigned calendar options is the one associated with the SLA of the site whose ticket triggered the rule.
Note: The Assigned calendar options is the one associated with the SLA of the site whose ticket triggered the rule.
3. Create the Action to send the email notifying the technician:
- Action type: Send an email to technician
- Email template: Select your associated template, or learn how to create an email template
4. Click Add.
Change ticket status on user's reply
1. To change the status of a ticket when a user replies, fill in the following details.
- Rule name: Change the status on user's reply
- Trigger: Ticket requester responded
- Trigger: Ticket contact responded
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Action to change the status of the ticket:
- Action type: Set field value
- Related Field / Email Template: Status
- Value: Open
3. Click Add.
Notify technician when a requester responds
Notify technician when a contact responds
1. To notify a technician when a requester responds on a ticket, fill in the following rule details:
1. To notify a technician when a requester responds on a ticket, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Automatic ticket response notification
- Description: Notify technician of a requester response
- Description: Notify technician of a contact response
- Trigger: Ticket requester responded
- Trigger: Ticket contact responded
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Action to send the email notifying the technician:
- Action type: Send an email to technician
- Email template: Select your associated template, or learn how to create an email template
4. Click Add.
Send an email to customers when a ticket is closed
Send an email to requester when a ticket is closed
1. To email customers when a ticket is closed, fill in the following rule details:
1. To email requester when a ticket is closed, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Ticket Closed
- Description: Send email to customer when ticket is closed
- Description: Send email to user when ticket is closed
- Trigger: Ticket closed / resolved
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Action to send the email:
- Action type: Send an email to contact
- Action type: Send an email to requester
- Email template: Select your associated template, or learn how to create an email template
Send a survey to customers when a ticket is closed
Send a survey to requester when a ticket is closed
1. To send a survey to the customer when a ticket is closed, fill in the following rule details:
1. To send a survey to the requester when a ticket is closed, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Send survey
- Description: Send survey to customer when ticket is closed
- Description: Send survey to user when ticket is closed
- Trigger: Ticket closed / resolved
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Action to send the survey:
- Action type: Send survey to contact
- Action type: Send survey to requester
3. Click Add.
Automatically assign new tickets to a specific technician
1. To automatically assign a technician when a new ticket is created, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Assign technician
- Description: Assign a specific technician when a new ticket is created
- Trigger: New Ticket Created
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Action to assign the ticket:
- Action Type: Set Field Value
- Related Field: Technician
- Value: Select a specific technician
Note: The Auto Assignment value option will assign technicians in a round robin order. Only technicians with the Include in auto-assignment (Admin > Access roles) permissions will be included in the round robin assignment.
3. Click Add.
Send an email to the technician when a ticket is created
1. To send an email to the assigned technician when a new ticket is created, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Email technician
- Description: Email the assigned technician when a new ticket is created
- Trigger: New Ticket Created
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Action to send the survey:
- Action Type: Send an Email to Technician
- Related Field / Email template: Select your associated template, or learn how to create an email template
Note: To send an email to an additional address use the action Send an Email, and enter one or multiple addresses separated by a comma.
3. Click Add.
Ticket automation rules with technician groups
Technician groups can be used in ticket automation rules as a trigger (Technician Group Assignment Changed), a ticket property of a condition, or a field value of an action. Learn more about technician groups
Groups can be used in automation rules to assign specific tickets to a designated group of technicians. For example, if a new ticket is created with a 'New hire' ticket form, you can automatically assign it to the HR queue, or when a new ticket is created from an email sent to your primary support address, you can automatically assign it to the tier 1 technicians. You can also create rules that are triggered by a group assignment change, like notifying a manager when a ticket is escalated to tier 2 technicians.
Assign tickets with a ticket form to a group in a round-robin
1. To assign a ticket with a ticket form to a group in a round-robin, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: New hire ticket
- Description: Assign new hire tickets to HR
- Trigger: New Ticket Created
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Condition to check the ticket form. Then click Add.
- Ticket Property: Ticket Form
- Operator: Equals
- Expected value: Select a ticket form. Learn more
3. Create the Action to assign the ticket to the group. Then click Add.
- Action Type: Set Field Value
- Related Field: Technician Group
- Value: Select a technician group
4. Create the Action to assign the ticket in a round-robin. Then click Add.
- Action Type: Set Field Value
- Related Field: Technician
- Value: Auto Assignment
- The order when creating actions is crucial when using groups. The group assignment action must be entered first, followed by any other action to be executed by the automation rule.
- The Auto Assignment value option will assign technicians in a round robin order. Only technicians with the Include in auto-assignment (Admin > Access roles) permissions will be included in the round robin assignment.
Assign ticket from support address to a technician group
1. To assign a ticket from the support email address to tier 1 technicians, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Assign tickets to tier 1 group
- Description: Assign tickets from the support address to tier 1
- Trigger: New Ticket Created
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Condition to check the email source of the ticket. Then click Add.
- Ticket Property: From user email
- Operator: Equals
- Expected value: Enter your support address. Learn more about how to set up a primary support address
3. Create the Action to assign the ticket to the group. Then click Add.
- Action Type: Set Field Value
- Related Field: Technician Group
- Value: Select a technician group
Send an email to manager when ticket group assignment changed
1. To notify a manager when a ticket is escalated to tier 2, fill in the following rule details:
- Rule name: Notify manager of escalation
- Description: Send email to manager when ticket is escalated to tier 2
- Trigger: Technician Group Assignment Changed
- Ignore Flow: Yes
- Active: Yes
2. Create the Condition to check if the Technician group is Tier 2. Then click Add.
- Ticket Property: Technician Group
- Operator: Equals
- Expected value: Select group name
3. Create the Action to notify the manager. Then click Add.
- Action Type: Send an Email
- Related Field / Email template: Select your associated template, or learn how to create an email template
- Value: Enter the manager's email address