The following new features and improvements appear in this version:
Network Discovery: Now you can remotely install agents on your customer devices, right from within Network Discovery Opportunities! All newly added workstations/servers are displayed, enabling on-the spot, remote agent installation on one, some, or all your customer devices. This feature is currently available in beta only, and will be available to all very soon. Additionally, workstations/servers and SNMP devices are now displayed as separate opportunities. Learn more
Ticket Tags: Now you can tag tickets, enabling filtering by tags, in the ‘Tickets’ view. Use the tickets to gather solutions to common problems, for training or documentation, for informational purposes, or for any other reason. Learn more
We've fixed the following bugs:
(18851) Fixed a dysfunctional 'Create a test ticket' button, in the Getting Started section.
(18881) Fixed a bug causing instance of reports not appearing in the Customer Portal.
(18894) Fixed a bug causing instances of an IT automation profile running, after deactivation.
(18928) Restored 'Source Sans Pro' as a font option in tickets.
(19044) Fixed a bug causing repeat $0 USD charges, after customer deactivation.
(19046) Added support for S.M.A.R.T disk monitoring, with multiple disks.