From time to time we notice high CPU usage on specific machines without any reason. To investigate this load easily we can add a script to the CPU Threshold Item.
Clone script from Shared Library
1. In the Admin panel (on the side menu), click on Scripts.
The Scripts page will be displayed
2. Click on the Shared Script Library section, then search for the script called 'Retrieve CPU Processes', in the Script Name field.
3. Click on Clone to copy the script to My Scripts.
You will now find the script under 'My Scripts' named 'Retrieve CPU Processes (copy)':
Add script to Threshold profile
1. In the Admin panel (on the side menu), click on Thresholds.
The Threshold Profiles page will appear
2. Select the Threshold Profile that you want to edit.
The Edit Threshold page is displayed
3. Click on New Item to create a Threshold item to run the script.
4. Select the Custom section, set your parameters, use CPU Load in the Category field, then click on Select under Auto-healing script.
5. Select the script that was cloned.
6. Then click on Add on the Threshold item and Save the Threshold profile. Assign the profile to the desired devices, then wait for the threshold to be reached so the system will start the script and will export the output in C:\myfile.csv.
This file can be used to determine the source of the load on the CPU.