We've released the following new features and improvements:
Reboot Indication: We've added a new indication next to ‘Manage Patches', on the Devices page, to let you know when installed patches require a device reboot (Windows only). Learn about patch installation
Secure Login: We’ve added an additional security feature to our Auth0 arsenal. Brute-force Protection guards against and blocks repeated and potentially malicious attempts to gain access to an account, from a single IP address. Learn more
Organized Folders: Now, device 'Folders' appear in alphabetical order, so you can stay organized and easily find what you need.
Network Discovery: We’ve added some additional features to the ‘new’ Network Discovery including
- A network ‘RTT’ (Round-Trip Time) column in the Workstations/Servers table, which displays the time it takes (in milliseconds) for data to be sent and received—for the purposes of proactively detecting devices with network slowness. We’ve also added the ability to sort by RTT in the Filters.
- A ‘Manufacturer’ column in the Workstations/Servers table, enabling easy identification of unknown devices.
- Clickable device names that link to the agent/device console, where you can view and manage the device.
- An indication when a subnet is almost full.
The latest version of ND can only be accessed in Atera’s new design interface (to ensure you’re in the new interface, go to Admin > Settings > General tab. Make sure the ‘Atera's New Interface’ option is set to 'On’).
Learn more about Network Discovery
We've fixed the following bugs:
(36724) Fixed a bug affecting the TicketStatus when creating a ticket via the API.
(37012) Fixed a bug preventing connecting to Google Calendar.
(37145) Fixed a bug preventing ticket display until browser refresh.
(37298) Fixed a bug preventing Webroot installation.
(37307) Fixed a bug displaying the incorrect antivirus in the agent console.
(37337) & (38657) Fixed Network Discovery bugs showing agent-installed devices as 'Opportunities'.
(37397) Fixed a bug affecting the Date field when filtering by 'Last Seen' on the Devices page.
(37512) Fixed a timezone bug affecting ticket view when applying certain filters to the Tickets page.
(37557) Fixed a bug preventing Azure AD contact sync.
(37559) Fixed a Patch & IT Automation Feedback report bug affecting reporting of Windows 10 Upgrades.
(37569) Fixed a bug where Time Entry descriptions were deleted after stopping the ticket counter.
(37600) Fixed an IT automation bug affecting edits to attached script names.
(37640) Fixed a bug preventing connecting to Office365 Calendar.
(37680) Fixed an IT automation bug where excluded Windows patches were installed.
(37853) Fixed a bug where excluded patches weren't listed under Hidden Patches.
(37883) Fixed an Auditor report bug affecting date accuracy when viewing emailed scheduled reports.
(38015) Fixed a bug displaying inaccurate alert timestamps.
(38140) Fixed a Customer Periodic report bug preventing emailing of scheduled reports.
(38392) Fixed a bug preventing emailing of alert notifications.
(38409) – ( 38414) Fixed bugs affecting the agent console, Tickets, and Customers pages display.
(38416) Fixed a bug preventing use of Powershell when managing devices.
(38473) Fixed a 2FA bug preventing reset if logged in on multiple browsers.
(38474) Fixed a 2FA bug preventing reset if biometric scanning is enabled.
(38654) Fixed a bug preventing logging out of the BETA environment.
(38709) Fixed a Customer Periodic report bug affecting customer selection.