Enhance system reliability and efficiency by assigning IT automation profiles across site, folder, and agent levels. For more information on IT automation profiles, see:
Assign via the IT automation profile
1. From Admin (on the sidebar), go to Patch management and IT automation.
The Patch management and IT automation page appears.
2. Locate the profile and click Assign.
The Profile assignment for ‘[profile name]’ window appears.
You can view previous profile assignments for Sites, Folders, and Agents, and assign the current profile to Sites and Folders.
Assign to sites
Profiles assigned to a site will automatically be applied to all folders and agents associated with that site — unless excluded.
Note: Agents assigned to a specific site will automatically receive the IT automation profile of that site.
1. In the Sites tab, select the site from the dropdown list.
2. Click Add. Then click Save.
The window closes and the profile is assigned to the site.
Assign to folders
Profiles assigned to a folder will automatically be applied to all agents within that folder — unless excluded. By assigning a new automation profile to a folder, you will keep any profiles previously assigned at the site level, as well as the profile assigned to the folder(s).
1. Select the Folders tab.
2. Select the site from the dropdown list.
3. Select the folder(s) from the dropdown list.
4. Click Add. Then click Save.
The window closes and the profile is assigned to the folder(s).
Assign to agents
The Agents tab in the Profile assignment window lists the agents that were directly assigned the profile.
To manage direct agent assignments, go to the Agent console.
Assign via the Site page
To assign a profile via the Site page:
1. From the Sites page, select the site.
The Site page appears.
Assign to agents
Agents inherit profile assignments from sites or folders. By assigning an automation profile to an individual agent, you will keep any profiles assigned at the folder and site levels, as well as the profile assigned to the agent(s).
1. From the Devices tab, select the agent(s). Then click Assign automation profile > Assign to selected agents.
The Assign automation profile window appears.
2. Select the profile(s) from the dropdown menu. Then click Assign.
The automation profile is applied to the selected device(s).
Assign to folders
Profiles assigned to a folder will automatically be applied to all agents within that folder — unless a different profile is specifically assigned to them. By assigning a new automation profile to a folder, you will keep any profiles previously assigned at the site level, as well as the profile assigned to the folder(s).
Note: You cannot assign profiles to the default 'Unassigned' folder.
1. From the Devices tab, click Assign automation profile > Assign to folder.
The Assign automation profile window appears.
3. Select the folder from the dropdown menu.
4. Select the automation profile(s) from the dropdown menu. Then click Add.
5. Click Apply.
The automation profile(s) are assigned to the folder and containing agents.
Assign via the Devices page
1. From the Devices page, select the device(s).
2. Click Assign automation profile.
The Assign automation profile window appears.
3. Select the profile(s) from the dropdown list. Then click Assign.
The automation profile is assigned to the selected agents.
Assign via the Agent console
Agents inherit profile assignments from sites or folders. By assigning an IT automation profile to an individual agent, you will keep any profiles assigned at the folder and site levels, as well as the profile assigned to the agent(s).
To apply a profile to an agent:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), select the device (agent).
The Agent console appears.
2. Under Profiles, next to Automation profile, click the edit icon.
The Manage automation profile assignment window appears.
4. Select the automation profile(s) from the dropdown menu. Then click Add.
5. Click Apply. The automation profile is now assigned to the agent.
Remove profile assignment
Remove via the IT automation profile
Remove site and folder assignments.
- Changes to — or the removal of — profile assignments can also be made in the Agent console, Sites page, and specific Site pages.
- To remove profile assignments at the agent level, see Remove or exclude agent assignments
Remove site assignment
To remove the profile from a site:
1. Click Admin > Patch Management and IT Automation.
The Patch management and IT automation page appears.
2. Locate the profile and click Assign.
The Profile assignment for ‘[profile name]’ window appears.
2. Hover the mouse over the assigned site and click the delete icon ().
3. Click Save.
The window closes and the profile is removed from the site.
Remove folder assignment
To remove the profile from a folder:
1. Click Admin > Patch Management and IT Automation.
The Patch management and IT automation page appears.
2. Locate the profile and click Assign.
The Profile assignment for ‘[profile name]’ window appears.
2. Select the Folders tab.
3. Hover the mouse over the assigned folder and click the delete icon ().
4. Click Save.
Remove or exclude agent assignments
- Inherited profile assignment: Profiles that were inherited from the parent site or folder. Inherited profiles cannot be removed from the agent, but rather excluded.
- Excluded profile assignment: Inherited profiles that are ignored for this agent.
To remove an existing profile:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), select the device (agent).
The Agent console appears.
2. Under Profiles, next to Automation profile, click the edit icon.
The Manage automation profile assignment window appears.
3. Hover over the profile, and click Remove. Then click Apply.
The window closes and the profile is removed from the agent.