The Site health report shows summary metrics on the health of your site devices, with summary metrics regarding monitored agents, key alerts, and more.
Understanding the Site Health report
This section of the report displays the total number of devices per site. It includes desktops, Macs, servers, Domain Controllers, printers, and other devices (SNMP, TCP, HTTP, or generic devices).
Agent and other device health
See the proportion of agents and other devices with Healthy, Warning, or Critical health reports.
Alert Categories
This section of the report displays a customer's alerts by type (Warning or Critical), as well as by category (Availability - whether the agent is offline or not - or General alerts).
Top Historical Alerts
This section of the report displays a list of the most common historical alerts affecting your devices, including the agent name, alert title, alert severity, how often the alert was repeated, and the alert category.
Generate the Site Health report
To run the Site Health report:
1. From Reports (on the sidebar), click Monitoring > Site health.
The Report page appears.
2. Select the report parameters:
Time Period: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, Last 120 Days, This Month, Last Month, Last Two Months, or Custom Range
Note: Last X Days refers to the previous X days while the Last X Months refers to the previous X calendar months. For example, if you select Last 60 Days on June 15th, the period will be April 17 - June 15. If you select Last Two Months on June 15th, the period will be April 1 - May 31. - Site name: Select the site.
Note: Check Exclude retired devices if you'd like to exclude devices that are no longer in use. To define a 'retired' device, go to Admin > Settings > Devices. Learn more
3. Click Generate. The Site Health report displays (see Understanding the Site Health report).
To export the Site Health report:
Click the Export dropdown, in the upper-right corner of the report, and select PDF.
Schedule the Site Health report
To schedule the Site health report, see Schedule a report