Our Splashtop integration enables you to provide instant remote support for your users anywhere, anytime. Securely connect to remote computers, access files, and applications, and troubleshoot problems without having to leave your desk.
Our Splashtop integration enables you to provide instant remote support for your customers anywhere, anytime. Securely connect to remote computers, access files, and applications, and troubleshoot problems without having to leave your desk.
Note: Professional plan users can have up to two concurrent sessions. Expert, Master, and Enterprise plans have unlimited concurrent sessions — remote into as many devices as you want!
Note: Pro plan users can have up to two concurrent sessions. Growth, Power, and Superpower plans have unlimited concurrent sessions — remote into as many devices as you want!
If you encounter any issues with your Splashtop remote connection, see Troubleshoot Splashtop
Configure Splashtop settings
You can set Splashtop remote sessions to ask for end-user permission when connecting to their computer and to require an additional password to connect. By default, both settings are disabled, meaning Splashtop provides 'Unattended' remote access, so the user is not prompted to accept or reject the connection and no password is required to connect.
Note: To customize settings for Splashtop Premium, activated via the App Center, see Configure Splashtop Premium settings
To configure your Splashtop settings:
1. Go to Admin > Monitoring and automation > Remote access settings.
The Remote access settings page appears.
2. From the Splashtop tab, you can:
- Set Splashtop as your default remote access software
- Set connections to be 'Unattended' or 'Attended'
- Set additional password to confirm connection request
Set Splashtop as default
When set as default, Splashtop Streamer will automatically install on all existing and future installed agents.
Set the remote access type
Enable if you want to ask end users for permission when connecting to their workstations.
- Reject after request expires: Require end-user permission but reject at login screen automatically.
- Reject after request expires: Require end-user permission but connect at login screen automatically.
- Connect after request expires: Require end-user permission but connection after request expires.
- Unattended: Connect without end-user permission (default).
After making any changes, click Save.
- Connections are, by default, 'Unattended'.
- When enabling this configuration, the selected setting will override the local settings on your end users' Windows and Mac workstations.
- When disabling this configuration, connections will still follow the previously selected setting.
Set additional password to connect
Enable if you want to add another layer of security when connecting to your end users' workstations and servers.
- Require device login: Log in with the end user's login password.
- Require security code: Create and log in using your security code.
- No additional password: Log in without needing a password (default).
After making any changes, click Save.
- Connections, by default, require no additional password.
- When enabling this configuration, the selected setting will override Splashtop Streamer settings.
- When disabling this configuration, connections will still follow the previously selected setting.
First time?
Install Splashtop on your device
Initiating a remote connection via Splashtop is a simple process. The only setup required is to install Splashtop for RMM on the device from which you want to remote.
- When you start your first remote session via Splashtop, you'll receive a prompt to download and install Splashtop for RMM. Click on Splashtop RMM Client to download and install the software application.
Once installed, you'll be able to remote into your end-user devices.
Install Splashtop on end-user devices
Splashtop Streamer is automatically installed on end-user devices when you initiate your first remote session on a device, or 24 hours after installing the Atera agent on a device (if Splashtop is your default remote access software).
Note: If Splashtop Streamer is installed during your initial remote session on a device, there's a high chance that the first connection may fail. This is because Splashtop Streamer is being installed while attempting to remote into the device. To resolve this, try initiating two or three more remote connections via Splashtop, and you should be able to establish a successful remote session.
Splashtop for Linux
Splashtop supports Linux devices with monitors and Linux VMs with virtual monitors for seamless remote access.
- Remote management > Remote connection > Server permission is required to connect to Linux devices using Splashtop. For more info, see Roles and permissions
- You can remotely access Linux devices from Windows or Mac, but not from Linux.
To ensure you have optimal Splashtop functionality on your Linux VM, follow these essential setup steps:
- Update system: Ensures all packages are up to date, preventing compatibility issues during installation.
- Install GNOME desktop environment: Adds a user-friendly graphical interface (necessary for Splashtop).
- Install Xrdp: Allows remote desktop connections for graphical access.
- Install virtual display: Generates a virtual output when no physical monitor is present.
- Set LightDM as display manager: Manages session displays (necessary for Splashtop’s virtual display).
- Configure firewall: Secures and opens needed ports for safe, remote connections.
- Install PulseAudio: Enables sound support for remote sessions.
- Ensure DBus is running: Supports system-wide inter-process communication, which is required for PulseAudio and other services to function correctly.
- Configure PulseAudio for system mode: Allows PulseAudio to run with system-wide permissions.
- Restart services: Ensures new configurations take immediate effect.
- Check Logs: Assists in pinpointing and resolving service issues.
Connect with Splashtop
Connect from your Windows or Mac device to Windows, Mac, and Linux devices.
- If this is your first time connecting via Splashtop, you'll be prompted to download Splashtop on your device.
- You need at least one of the following permissions to use Splashtop remote access:
- Full admin access
Remote management > Remote connection
For more information, see Roles and permissions
- You must enable popups for this site to launch Splashtop.
To connect to a device via Splashtop:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), click Connect (in the Remote access column) on the device.
The Open Splashtop for RMM window appears.
2. Click Open Splashtop for RMM.
The remote connection is initiated.
Connect to offline devices
Occasionally, the Atera agent may appear to be offline under certain network conditions. When this happens, you can try to bypass the agent and remotely connect to the device directly via Splashtop.
Note: This option is available for Windows devices.
To try to connect to an offline device:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), navigate to the device and click Connect.
The Offline agent window appears.
2. Click Connect to try and establish the remote connection despite the device appearing offline.
Note: You can also try to remotely connect to an offline device from the Agent Console.
Splashtop Premium
Upgrade your remote access with Splashtop Premium, offering a robust suite of advanced features tailored to enhance your Splashtop experience. With its customizable settings, Splashtop Premium ensures adaptability to fit your precise needs, delivering the ultimate in control and functionality.
- A free, 7-day trial is available. After the trial ends, your subscription will automatically begin and you will be billed for each seat you have in your Atera account.
- When Splashtop Premium is enabled, all technicians will have access to enhanced features.
- Default, pre-existing settings won't be affected when activating Splashtop Premium.
Premium capabilities
Multi-monitor access
Boost your productivity by effortlessly navigating across multiple screens. With seamless multi-monitor support, you can optimize your workspace and manage tasks with greater efficiency. Each remote screen is displayed in its own window on your desktop, making multitasking easier than ever.
Concurrent sessions
Enhance collaboration by allowing two users to access the same computer at once. Share ideas and work together in real-time from different locations.
Local session recording
Ensure peace of mind with the ability to record your remote sessions. Gain easy access and review of recorded sessions, saving them locally, helping you to keep track of important interactions and decisions.
Customizable configurations
Explore deeper personalization options to enhance your experience. With advanced settings designed to align with your workflow and preferences, you can optimize your remote access for maximum efficiency and comfort.
Activate Splashtop Premium
Activate Splashtop Premium to grant additional capabilities to all technicians in your account.
To activate Splashtop Premium:
1. From the App Center (on the sidebar), select Splashtop Premium.
The Splashtop Premium page appears.
2. Click Get started.
The Activate Splashtop Premium window appears.
3. Enter your email address. Then click Activate.
Splashtop Premium is enabled for all technicians in your account. All future Splashtop connections will include the additional configurations, which you can set via Admin > Monitoring and automation > Remote access settings > Splashtop.
Configure Splashtop Premium settings
Further enhance your setup with additional configurations, ensuring your Splashtop experience is optimized for greater efficiency and comfort.
To configure your Splashtop Premium settings:
1. Go to Admin > Monitoring and automation > Remote access settings.
The Remote access settings page appears.
2. From the Splashtop tab, scroll down to configure the Splashtop Premium settings (all enabled by default, except for 'Dismiss banner notification'):
- Copy and paste: Copy and paste files between your device and the remote session.
- File transfer: Transfer files between your device and the remote session.
- Keystroke: Pasted text will appear to the end user as if it’s being typed.
- Remote print: Print documents from the remote session to your local printer.
Session indicator: Display notification on the end-user device during a remote session.
- Popup
- Banner
- Popup and banner (default)
- Dismiss banner notification: Allow end users to close the notification banner during a remote session.
Splashtop session summaries
Atera's AI Copilot lets you recap key points and actions from your remote session by generating a comprehensive, itemized list of actions performed on the end-user Windows device, enabling a quick review and complete understanding of the entire session.
For more information on Copilot, see Copilot's AI capabilities
- This is a BETA AI feature that may contain errors. For example, it may not log all actions during the session.
- Users with full admin permissions can view summaries for all Splashtop sessions initiated on the account. Otherwise, users can see summaries for their initial sessions (and not those of other technicians).
- Sensitive data (e.g., passwords, addresses) are not included in session summaries.
- Summaries for sessions that occurred before Copilot was enabled for your account cannot be generated.
- Actions performed by the technician and end user are not differentiated.
To generate a session summary:
1. From Devices (on the sidebar), select the device.
The Agent console appears.
2. In the Activity log widget, locate the 'Splashtop remote connection completed' summary log. Then click Generate summary.
The Splashtop session summary window appears.
Summaries include the technician name, session duration, key points, and actions taken during the Splashtop session.
Remote using Windows credentials
You can configure Splashtop Streamer to prompt for Windows credentials whenever you try to remote into a specific device.
For additional information on setting up Splashtop Streamer to prompt for Windows credentials, please refer to our article:
Disable Splashtop
By default, the Splashtop Streamer is automatically installed alongside the Atera agent. However, you can uninstall and disable Splashtop on your devices.
To disable and uninstall Splashtop:
1. Go to Admin > Monitoring and automation > Remote access settings.
The Remote access settings page appears.
2. Click the Enabled dropdown. Then click Disable.
A confirmation message appears.
3. Click Disable and uninstall.
Splashtop is disabled and the uninstall command is sent to associated devices.
Uninstall Splashtop from selected Windows and devices
You can uninstall and block the installation of the Splashtop Streamer from selected devices by tweaking the “DisableRemote” registry key via scripting, under:
You can change the key's value manually or execute the following commands in an elevated instance of CMD:
REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ATERA Networks\AlphaAgent" /v DisableRemote /d True /t REG_SZ /f
sc stop AteraAgent && sc start AteraAgent
Splashtop Streamer will be removed within 24 hours after running the above commands.
Note: As long as the value is set to True, Splashtop will not be reinstalled again on the respective machine. To undo this, change the variable to False and run the script again.
Uninstall Splashtop from selected Mac devices
To disable Splashtop on Mac devices, run the following commands on the devices:
sudo sed -i '' -e 's/False/True/' /Library/Application\ Support/com.atera.ateraagent/regstore.json
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.atera.ateraagent.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.atera.ateraagent.plist