Merging tickets can help you streamline your support process and improve end-user satisfaction. If you receive multiple support requests about the same issue, merging the open tickets can save you time and effort.
You also have the option to restored merged or deleted tickets. The time to undertake these steps depends on the number of tickets you want to restore.
Note: Tickets already billed cannot be modified (their status cannot be changed from "Merged" to "Open").
Merge tickets
To merge tickets:
1. From Tickets (on the sidebar), select your ticket and click Merge tickets.
Note: The selected ticket will be removed, and it's information will be merged into the ticket you select in the next step.
The Merge tickets window appears.
2. Search for the ticket to which you want to forward all the data. (Enter the number without the pound sign).
3. Select the ticket, then click Merge.
Ticket number 962348 is the main ticket, which will now include the information from ticket 962349.
Note: When merging two tickets (A merged to B), the system will automatically search for the first comment added after the creation date of ticket B. This comment will be marked as the first response of the merged ticket.
Find merged/ deleted tickets
To find merged or deleted tickets:
1. From the sidebar, go to Admin > Users and security > Audit log.
The Audit log page appears.
2. Fill in the filter parameters:
- Date range: When the tickets were modified.
- Sort by: Select your preferred view to sort the displayed tickets.
- Log type: Select modified and/or deleted.
- Technician: Optionally select technician(s) to filter by their tickets.
- Items: Select the amount of items to display.
3. Click Go.
The Audit log appears.
- The Audit log displays merged tickets using the following template:
Ticket "Ticket Name #971350" Merged changed from Empty to 971339
- The Audit log displayed deleted tickets using the following template:
Ticket "Ticket Name #971322" Status changed from Open to Deleted
Filter deleted tickets
To filter by deleted tickets:
1. From the Ticket page, click Filters.
The Filters window appears.
2. From the Status dropdown menu, select Deleted.
The Deleted tickets will be displayed on the Ticket page.
Restore merged/ deleted tickets
To restore merged tickets, switch to a new tab that has the main ticket open (the one that you combined the other tickets into) and change the ticket ID in the web address to go straight to that ticket's page. There, you can check that its status is "Merged." If you're looking at a ticket that's been deleted, just open any ticket, then change the ticket ID in the web address to the one that was deleted. This way, you can quickly access the ticket that you need. This is an Example
Modify the ticket's status from Merged/Deleted to Open or Pending, and click Update.
A notification will appear on the lower-left corner informing that the ticket was successfully updated and the ticket will appear on the Ticket page as "Open."
- When "un-merging" a ticket, the communication trails will disappear but can be re-added as Internal notes.
- Tickets that are deleted when removing an entire contact/customer cannot be recovered. Only individually-deleted tickets can be recovered. Learn more about Atera data recovery