The following new features and improvements appear in this version:
Bitdefender Integration: We've added an integration with Bitdefender GravityZone Cloud, enabling you to provide total cybersecurity for your customers. Learn more
QuickBooks Online Integration: Easily sync Atera with QuickBooks Online to export invoices your accounting software recognizes. We’ve added a wizard to sync Atera and QuickBooks Online tax rates, products, and customers, for simple and seamless billing. Learn more
We continue to build out this new integration since introducing it to our beta testers last month. Here's what we've added:
- Products and rates - When accessing a contract as well as the 'Time Entries' and 'Products and Expenses' within tickets, you will be able to see and choose from your list of QuickBooks Online products and rates (services).
- Taxes - Anything having to do with taxes within Atera will be grayed out, as long as you are integrated with QuickBooks Online. Should you choose to disconnect the integration, the tax features will again be useable.
- Invoice export (products/rates) - When exporting an invoice with products/rates that don't exist in QuickBooks Online, they will automatically be created within QuickBooks Online (categorized as 'NonInventory' and 'not taxable'). Re-exporting an invoice will create the invoice again, and won't replace the original one.
- Invoice export (customers) - When exporting an invoice, for a customer without an equivalent in QuickBooks Online, you are given the option to match the customer or automatically create a new one in QuickBooks Online.
- Automatic 'customer' creation in QuickBooks Online - If an Atera customer doesn't yet exist in QuickBooks Online, you can check a 'Create' box in the modal to automatically create the customer. This option will appear within the QuickBooks sync wizard itself, as well as when creating a new Atera customer and when exporting an invoice or Invoice Batch.
- Invoice deletion - When deleting invoices within Atera, you are given the option to delete them from both Atera and QuickBooks Online.
Invoicing Reborn:
- Email invoice or create PDF - Last release we introduced a flexible and editable invoice, accessible from the main + dropdown menu (and elsewhere), for easy customer billing. Now we’ve added even more flexibility with instant ‘email invoice’ and ‘create PDF’ features. Note: Feature is available when there is no accounting integration.
- Editable invoices - You can now edit a standalone invoice, to make last minute corrections or add in missing items.
- Deletable Invoices - Now you can easily delete unnecessary invoices from both the Billing page and the customer's page.
Ticket Scheduling (Beta)*: We've added a brand, new 'Scheduled Tickets' feature to enable ticket scheduling for a specific date and time, for the purposes of managing tasks and technician schedules. Scheduled tickets will remain in draft and won’t go live, or count towards your SLA, until their scheduled dates. Learn more
Xero Integration (Beta)*: We’ve added an integration with Xero accounting software. Easily sync Atera up with your Xero account, for quick and easy billing. Learn more
Cloned Scripts: The number of ’clones’ now appear as a category in the Shared Script Library, letting you know how many times a script has been cloned. Learn more
Software Inventory Report: We've added a new functionality enabling data export by a specific customer and software (e.g., you can send a report to your customer showing which of their devices have Zoom installed). Export is via Excel or PDF. Learn more
Better Reports: Now your customer's company name and logo appear in the reports you send them, for a more personalized and professional look. For instances of multiple customer reports, company names appear without their logos.
Customer Alert Settings: These settings now appear as a new action icon within the customer > Alerts tab, for streamlined setup of alert settings (moved from the Customer > Devices > Action menu). Learn more
Atera Shared Scripts: Atera has authored and added a bunch of useful scripts to the Shared Script Library including:
Better Ticketing: Now your customers can always reply back to ticket comments. We've set the Auto-Generated Support Email as the default 'reply-to' address (instead of no-reply@), when a ‘Primary Support Email Address’ isn't set up.
Updated Software Reporting and Filters: The Software Inventory report and advanced 'Installed Software' device filter are updated whenever software is installed or uninstalled through Atera (like via Chocolatey and Homebrew).
More SNMP Device Types: Additional SNMP device 'Type' choices are available when adding a new SNMP device, including Access point, Access Server, Firewall, Gateway, Layer 3 Switch, Linux device, Management Controller, Management, NAS, Network Bridge/Extender, Hub, StorageFile server, IP Phone, SAN Switch, Load Balancer, WAN Accelerator, Wireless LAN Controller, Web Caching, Tape Library, and more.
Logged Password Changes: Password changes are now logged in the activity logs (Admin > Activity Log), enabling you to see when a password was changed and who changed it.
We've fixed the following bugs:
(22336) Fixed a login issue affecting Atera trialers.
(22709) Fixed a bug causing Software Inventory report generation issues for Pro subscribers.
(22734) Fixed a bug causing Timesheet report performance issues, with many tickets.
(22803) Fixed an instance of an SLA failing to apply to a ticket, when the ticket 'Impact' is changed via an automation rule.
(23008) Fixed a bug causing the create 'New invoice' window (on a customer's page) to close, when the required fields are not filled in.
(23009) Fixed a bug causing inability to save a 'New invoice' on the Billing page.
(23236) Fixed a bug causing the disappearance of features from the device 'Manage' menu.
* Beta features: Features in beta testing, are only available to those signed up for the Atera beta program. The purpose is to release an awesome, and peer-tested feature for you really soon!