The Devices page is your go-to destination for managing devices across all your sites. With the ability to execute scripts, assign automation profiles, connect remotely, view alerts, and more, the Devices page helps you maintain optimal device performance and smooth operations.
The Devices page is your go-to destination for managing devices across all your customers. With the ability to execute scripts, assign automation profiles, connect remotely, view alerts, and more, the Devices page helps you maintain optimal device performance and smooth operations.
Customizing the Devices page
Table settings
Edit and arrange table settings to highlight the most relevant user data.
Adjust how much information is displayed by selecting Detailed or Compact.
The Detailed setting provides a balanced view, showing sufficient details while providing clarity.
The Compact setting reduces the spacing between rows and displays more data in a smaller space.
Note: The Compact setting doesn't include:
- Site logo column
- Customer logo column
- Details column
For more information on which columns are available in the Compact and Detailed density settings, see Edit columns
Edit columns
Select the columns to display on the Devices page from these options:
Note: Actions and Remote access cannot be hidden or removed.
- Site logo: Displays the site logos. Available for the Detailed density view.
- Customer logo: Displays the customer logos. Available for the Detailed density view.
- Details: Displays the device names, device types, site names, folder names, and last login time. Available for the Detailed density view.
- Details: Displays the device names, device types, customer names, folder names, and last login time. Available for the Detailed density view.
- Device name: Displays the device names.
- Last login: Displays the first name, last name, date, and time.
- Availability: Indicates whether the device is online or offline.
- Site name: Displays the site names.
- Customer name: Displays the customer names.
- Folder name: Displays the folder names.
- Device type: Displays the device type (PC, Server, Mac, HTTP, SNMP, TCP, or generic).
- Alerts: Displays the number of alerts for each device ('Critical', 'Warning', and 'Info').
- Available patches: Manage patch installation for online devices.
- Remote access: Connect to the device via your preferred remote access tool.
- Pending reboot: Indicates whether installed patches or software require a device reboot to take effect.
- Department: Displays the department the device is assigned to.
- Public IP/Hostname: Displays the device's public IP (agent-installed devices), hostname (SNMP, TCP, Generic devices), or URL (HTTP devices).
- Last reboot: Displays the last time the device was restarted (format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM).
- Remote access: Connect remotely to the device to monitor.
Actions: Click the Manage menu dropdown for:
- Patch management: View and install patches.
- Software inventory: View and uninstall software.
- Software installation: Search for and install software via Chocolatey, Homebrew, and your private repository. Learn more
Run script: View, create, and run scripts from your personal library ('My scripts') or Atera's Shared Script Library to perform specific tasks or automate repetitive ones. Learn more
Note: Shared scripts are checked for malware; however, they are provided “as is” and should be used at your own discretion. - Service manager: Start, restart, or stop service (Windows only).
- Task manager: Monitor and manage ongoing tasks on the device.
Shutdown actions:
- Log out: End the current session. All open applications will close, and any unsaved work may be lost.
- Restart: Reboot the device.
- Shut down: Power off the device. All open applications will close, and any unsaved work may be lost.
- Command Prompt: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Windows only). Learn more
- PowerShell: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Windows only). Learn more
- Terminal: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Mac and Linux agent only). Learn more
- User Activity: View the user's activity log on the device (Windows only).
- Select an activated app: Select from a list of previously activated App Center applications to install on the device.
- Explore the App Center: Explore a plethora of available apps.
More tools (Windows only):
- HelpDesk agent actions: Activate or deactivate the HelpDesk agent for the device.
- File transfer: Manage your end-user's files by uploading to or downloading from their devices.
- Event viewer: Remotely view the event logs on your end-user devices.
- Registry editor: Access and modify the Windows Registry.
- Chat: Start, activate, or deactivate a chat.
Fit to table width
Fit to table width stretches the table to span the entire width of your page.
Reset table settings
Reset table settings reverts any adjustments you've made, restoring the table to its original configuration for the current view you've selected.
Table views
You have the option to use the Default view or create custom views by selecting your preferred columns. Save the view as private, or as public for all your technicians to see. For more information on which columns are available, see Edit columns
The Devices page also enables you to export your chosen table view directly to an Excel file by clicking the download icon ().
Note: The columns that appear on the Devices page Default view are: Device name, Last login, Availability, Device type, Site name, Folder name, Alerts, Available patches, Pending reboot, Remote access, and Actions.
Note: The columns that appear on the Devices page Default view are: Device name, Last login, Availability, Device type, Customer name, Folder name, Alerts, Available patches, Pending reboot, Remote access, and Actions.
Add New Device
Add a new device from these options:
- Agent installer
- Generic
Search Devices
Search devices by device name, IP address, machine name, department, or site.
Search devices by device name, IP address, machine name, or customer.
Search with AI
Describe what you are looking for, and AI Copilot will filter the displayed devices.
Filter Devices
Filter the displayed devices by:
- Sites: Filter by sites.
- Customers: Filter by customers.
- Departments: Filter by general and custom departments. Learn more
- Folders: Filter by folders.
- Device type: Filter by PC, Server, Mac, Linux, SNMP, TCP, HTTP, Generic.
SNMP type: Filter by a variety of SNMP types, such as Access Points, Firewalls, and Routers.
- Note: You need to first Select SNMP as the Device type to filter by SNMP type.
- Availability: Filter by Unreachable, Offline, Online, and Retired.
- Alert category: Filter by Hardware, Disk, Availability, Performance, Exchange, General, Networks, Apps, and Script-based.
- Alert severity: Filter by Information, Warning, and Critical.
- Monitored: Filter by monitored devices.
- Favorite: Filter by favorited devices.
- Pending reboot: Filter by devices that require a system reboot.
Advanced filters are also available at the bottom of the Filter menu to refine your search even further. Filter devices by:
- Devices: Device name, Last Seen (last sync with agent), Last reboot.
- Hardware: Video card, Memory, Motherboard, Processor, Processor clock, Sound, Vendor.
- Network: IP address (LAN), IP address (WAN).
- Patching: Available patch, Installed patch, Available patch class, Patching status.
- Software: Anti-spyware, Antivirus, Firewall, Installed software, Office version, Office build.
- Operating system: OS edition, OS version, Build, Windows serial key.
- Storage: Free space, Hard disk model, Total space, BitLocker protection.
- Agent - custom fields
- SNMP - custom fields
- TCP - custom fields
- HTTP - custom fields
- Generic device - custom fields
Note: The custom fields are your own defined parameters for your agent, SNMP, TCP, HTTP, and Generic devices. Learn more
For more information on advanced filters, see Devices page: advanced filters
Bulk actions on the Devices page
Select one or more devices to easily perform bulk actions including:
Run script: View, create, and run scripts from your personal library ('My scripts') or Atera's Shared Script Library to perform specific tasks or automate repetitive ones. Learn more
Note: Shared scripts are checked for malware; however, they are provided “as is” and should be used at your own discretion. - Assign automation profile: Assign automation profiles to the selected agents.
- Software installation: Search for and install software via Chocolatey, Homebrew, and your private repository. Learn more
- Assign threshold profile: Assign a threshold profile to the selected agents.
- Edit relations: Organize relations between devices and your network.
- Shutdown actions: Log out, restart, or shut down the device.
- HelpDesk agent actions: Activate or deactivate the HelpDesk agent for the device.
- Select an activated app: Select from a list of previously activated App Center applications to install on the device.
- Explore the App Center: Explore a plethora of available apps.
- Delete: Delete a device from your network.