The Site page is your ultimate hub for efficient site navigation and management. With quick access to user profiles, device management, tickets, alerts, and more, you have all the tools you need to keep your sites organized and up-to-date.
Note: The Site page is available to IT Department subscribers only.
The Overview tab is divided into three sections that offer quick access to contact details (phone number, address, domains, website, customer creation and modification dates, SLA, etc.), custom fields, and notes for additional information.
- Click on the respective fields to enter or edit the phone number, address, postal/zip code, fax, website, and notes. For addresses, simply click the Google Maps icon (
) to view and verify the location directly in Google Maps.
- To update the SLA, click the dropdown menu and select the SLA.
Pinned fields
Pinned fields are details from the Overview tab that you can pin to the top of the Site page, making them always visible across all tabs.
Hover over the field area and click Edit pinned fields to add, remove, edit, or adjust the order of the fields.
- Pinned fields apply to all customer pages.
- A minimum of 3 fields and maximum of 6 fields are required.
The Users tab organizes key details for user management, including job positions, departmental roles, contact information, and device associations. You can add users, import users via CSV, or sync with Azure AD. It also tracks the latest modifications to user profiles.
Users tab columns
- Job title: Displays the user's current job title.
- Department: Displays the user's assigned department. Learn more
- Email: Displays the user's email address.
- Phone: Displays the user's telephone number.
- Mobile: Displays the user's mobile telephone number.
- Associated agent: Displays the user's associated device or agent.
- Last modified: Records the date of the most recent update to the user's information (format is MM/DD/YYYY).
- Status: Displays whether the user is active or deactivated.
Search users
Search users by user name.
Users table settings
Edit and arrange table columns to highlight the most relevant user data.
Manage users
Add a new user to the site, or import users via CSV file or Azure AD.
The Devices tab streamlines device management with functionalities for assigning profiles, installing software, customizing views, and a lot more. Advanced filtering and a dynamic search bar enable efficient navigation and operation across all your site's devices.
Devices tab columns
- Device name: Displays the name assigned to the device.
- Last login: Displays who last logged in, and when (format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM).
- Device type: Displays the device type (e.g., PC, Mac, SNMP).
- Availability: Displays whether the device is currently online or offline.
- Alerts: Displays the number of informational, warning, and critical alerts related to the device.
- Site name: Displays the name of the site associated with the device.
- Folder name: Displays the folder where the device is categorized.
- Pending reboot: Indicates whether a reboot is needed for updates to take effect. Click Reboot required to immediately reboot the device — or schedule it for later. Learn more
- Department: Displays the name of the department associated with the device.
- Available patches: Displays the number of patches awaiting installation. Click Manage to install the available updates.
- Actions: Click the Manage dropdown to perform various device-related tasks. This column is permanent.
- Remote access: Click Connect for remote device access and a dropdown for additional tools and settings. This column is permanent.
Search devices
Search devices by device name, IP address, machine name, or department.
Filter devices
The advanced filters provide even more specificity to locate exactly what you need. Filter the displayed devices by:
- Departments: Filter by a variety of departments, such as Administration, Research, and custom-created departments.
- Device type: Filter by PC, Server, Mac, Linux, SNMP, TCP, HTTP, Generic.
- SNMP type: Filter by a variety of SNMP types, such as Access Points, Firewalls, and Routers.
- Availability: Filter by Unreachable, Offline, Online, and Retired.
- Alert category: Filter by Hardware, Disk, Availability, Performance, Exchange, General, Networks, Apps, and Script-based.
- Alert severity: Filter by Information, Warning, and Critical.
- Monitored: Filter by monitored devices.
- Favorite: Filter by favorited devices.
- Devices pending reboot: Filter by devices that require a system reboot.
There are also advanced filters at the bottom of the Filter menu that you can use to refine your search even further. Learn more
Categorize your devices effectively via the folders dropdown menu, making it easier to manage and apply actions to grouped devices.
Devices table settings
Select the view that best fits your preferences (detailed or compact). You can also edit and arrange table columns to highlight the most relevant device data.
Add a new device to the site and manage the addition and removal of site folders.
Manage devices
- Run script: Execute scripts or run a script directly from the Shared Script Library.
- Assign automation profiles: Assign automation profiles to the site, specified folders, or selected agents to streamline IT management tasks.
- Install software: Install standalone software applications or software bundles on selected agents.
- Assign threshold profiles: Assign threshold profiles to the entire site, specified folders, or selected agents to ensure system integrity and performance.
Access more options via the ellipses menu:
- Edit relations: Assign the agent to a different site and/or folder.
- Shutdown actions: Log out, restart, or shut down the selected agents.
- Helpdesk agent actions: Activate or deactivate the Helpdesk agent for the selected devices.
- Apps: Deploy activated App Center integrations.
- Delete: Delete the selected agents.
You can also manage individual devices by clicking the Manage dropdown on the device itself. The following operations are available:
- Patch management: View and install available Windows and Mac updates. Learn more
- Package manager: View and upgrade installed Linux packages. Learn more
- Software inventory: View and uninstall software. Learn more
- Software installation: Install software via Chocolatey (for Windows), Homebrew (for Mac), and your private software repository. Learn more
- Run script: Execute your own uploaded scripts or run a script directly from the Shared Script Library (Windows and Linux devices). Learn more
- Service manager: Start, stop, or restart a service (Windows devices). Learn more
- Task manager: End any unnecessary tasks (Mac devices). Learn more
- Shutdown actions: Log out, restart, or shut down the selected agents. Learn more
- Command prompt: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Windows devices). Learn more
- Terminal: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Mac and Linux devices).
- SSH: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Linux devices). Learn more
- PowerShell: Run your own command or generate one using AI (Windows devices). Learn more
- User activity: See active, disconnected, idle, or locked-out users (by username) on the device as well as when they were last active. Learn more
- Apps: Deploy activated App Center integrations. Learn more
More tools: (Windows devices and servers)
- Helpdesk agent: Activate or deactivate the Helpdesk agent for the device. Learn more
- File transfer: Manage files and folders on the remote device (e.g., search, upload, download, and deletions. Learn more
- Event viewer: View logs and troubleshoot by examining the event records of the remote device. Learn more
- Registry editor: Access the remote device's registry, enabling you to view and edit registry keys and values for advanced configurations. Learn more
- Chat: Open a chat with the device's user for swift communication and support. Learn more
Manage site
Click the ellipses menu () on the top right of the Site page to switch to the old Site look or to delete the site.
The Assets tab provides tools for managing asset inventories with a search bar for quick filtering, the ability to view assets by different groupings, and options to add new assets or delete existing ones. Learn more
Assets tab columns
- Name: Displays the name of the asset.
- Asset type: Displays the asset type.
- Status: Displays the status of the asset (In use, In stock, Purchased, Damaged, Retired)
- Purchase date: Displays the purchase date of the asset.
- Warranty expiration date: Displays the warranty expiration date of the asset.
- Folder: Displays the folder the asset has been assigned to.
- User: Displays the user the asset has been assigned to.
Search assets
Search assets by asset name, asset type, folder, and user.
Group assets
Group assets to view them by asset type, folder, user, status.
Add asset
To add a new asset, click New asset. Learn more
The Tickets tab enables easy and efficient managing of your site's support tickets, where you can solve tickets using the AI assistant, see the ticket sentiment (based on the end user's latest comment), and create new tickets. Learn more
Tickets tab columns
- Details: Displays the ticket number, ticket title, user, creation date, and modification date. Click the ticket title to open the ticket.
- AI: The AI assistant swiftly summarizes and solves tickets. Learn more
- SLA: Displays the remaining time for the first response or to close the ticket. Learn more
- Sentiment: Displays the end-user sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative). Learn more
- Assigned technician: Displays the technician assigned to the ticket.
- Priority: Displays the ticket priority (low, medium, high, or critical).
- Activity status: Displays the current communication status of a ticket (unread, read, awaiting requester response, or awaiting technician response).
- Status: Displays the stage in the ticket lifecycle (open, pending, resolved, closed, and custom statuses).
Search tickets
Search tickets by ticket title.
Filter tickets
Filter the displayed tickets by:
- Spam: Filter by Non-spam* or Spam.
- Status: Filter by Awaiting security review, Open*, Pending*, Resolved, Closed, and Deleted.
- Assigned technician: Filter by selecting technicians in your account.
- Ticket priority: Filter by Low, Medium, High, and Critical.
- Ticket impact: Filter by No impact, Site down, Server issue, Minor, Major, and Crisis.
- Ticket type: Filter by Incident, Problem, Request, and Change.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are the default selections in the filtering options.
Tickets table settings
You can also edit and arrange table columns to highlight the most relevant ticket data.
New ticket
To add a new ticket, click New ticket. Learn more
The Alerts tab centralizes critical notifications, offering actionable insights with direct links to related devices. Click the chevron icon () on any of the alerts to see more info, and respond swiftly with integrated ticketing functions. Customizable views and filters, alongside a robust search bar, ensure immediate attention to pressing system alerts.
Alerts tab columns
- Alert title: Displays the title of the alert.
- Site name: Displays the site name. Click it to open the Site page.
- Device name: Displays the device name. Click it to open the Device page.
- Network scan: Click See scan to open the scanning agent. Learn more
- Created: Displays the time elapsed since the alert was generated. Hover your mouse over it to see the timestamp.
- Severity: Displays the alert severity (information, warning, or critical).
- Category: Displays the alert category (hardware, disk, availability, performance, exchange, general, or network).
- Ticket: You can assign the alert to an existing ticket or create a new ticket for the alert. If a ticket is already assigned, click the dropdown menu to open or change the ticket. Learn more
- Status: Displays the alert status (open, snoozed, or resolved).
- Device type: Displays the device type (PC, server, Mac, Linux, HTTP, SNMP, TCP, generic.)
- Manage device: Click the Manage dropdown to perform various device-related tasks.
Search alerts
Search alerts by alert title, site name, device name, severity, hardware, ticket number, and status.
Filter alerts
Filter the displayed alerts by:
- Severity: Filter by Information, Warning, and Critical.
- Status: Filter by Open, Snoozed, and Resolved.
- Category: Filter by Hardware, Disk, Availability, Performance, Exchange, General, Network, Apps, and Script-based.
- Device type: Filter by PC, server, Mac, Linux, HTTP, SNMP, TCP, and generic.
- SNMP type: Filter by a variety of SNMP types, such as Access Points, Firewalls, and Routers.
Alerts table settings
Select the view that best fits your preferences (detailed or compact). You can also edit and arrange table columns to highlight the most relevant alert data.
Alert settings
Manage the alert settings for the site and folders. Learn more
The Passwords tab streamlines password management by listing crucial details and offering options to add new passwords or remove them as needed.
Passwords tab columns
- Name: Displays the assigned name for the password.
- Login URL: Displays the URL associated with the password (if applicable). Click it to open the URL.
- Username: Displays the owner of the password.
- Password: Hover your mouse over the password to copy or reveal it.
Search passwords
Search passwords by name, login URL, or username.
Add password
To add a new password, click New password. Learn more
Edit password details
Click the password name to edit its details.
The Attachments tab organizes documents by name and upload date, with quick options to preview, download or delete attachments.
Attachments tab columns
- File name: Displays the name of the file.
- Uploaded: Displays the upload date.
Search attachments
Search attachments by file name.
Upload file
To upload a new file, click Upload file.
Preview and download attachments
To preview or download an attachment, hover over a file and click the Preview () or Download (
) icon.
Work from Home
The Work from Home tab enables your end users to remotely connect to their devices. Once the device is enabled, share the link with them. Learn more
Work from Home tab columns
- Agent: Displays the device name.
- User: Displays the user assigned to the device. Click the dropdown to assign or update the user.
- Phone (2FA): Displays the contact number used for Two-Factor Authentication.
- Status: Click the dropdown to enable or disable the device. If the status is not set, you will first need to assign a user to the device. Provides a selection menu for adjusting the device's remote access availability (enabled or disabled). The status 'Not set' indicates that a user must be assigned to the device.
Search agents
Search agents by agent name and user.
Share link
Click Share link and share the remote access link with the user — along with their Service Portal credentials (username and password) if necessary.
Note: The user will get a login prompt, and will need to enter their Service Portal username/password to access their computer remotely. If it's the first time they're connecting, they'll also be instructed to download Splashtop.